The #MarvelSuperHeroes one-shot was a blast! I happened on my Roll20 Earth 610 form 2021 with the group playing different heroes. The crew tackled a maggia plot. Facing off against Tomestone and the “legendary” foes Batroc the Leaper and Trapstar to discover the real threat…
6. Favorite game I NEVER get to play -
Up till June of this year, I would have said "Classic Traveller" but that's no longer true!
So I would have to say Marvel Superheroes/FASERIP. Every convention I go to, I try to find a MSH/FASERIP game to play. I really like the old system, much more so than Champions, which I played for several years.
#RPGaDay2023 #RPGADay #Traveller #MarvelSuperHeroes #FASERIP
#rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #traveller #MarvelSuperHeroes #FASERIP
This week’s #TTRPGTimewarpTuesday is the greatest (IMO) superhero game ever published, #MarvelSuperheroes by TSR! I’ve run/played infinite sessions of it; even running a game on #Roll20 last year. It’s the second superhero game my kiddo played.
#ttrpgtimewarptuesday #MarvelSuperHeroes #roll20
You never forget your first, especially with this much yellow. Before I was a gamer, I was a comics reader, and when this game arrived in the mid-80s, every single Marvel comic carried the full-page ad, and it GOT me. This is the game that lured me in: first RPG I owned, first RPG I ran (badly!), first RPG I sat up with for coffee-fueled overnight prep. Thank you, #MarvelSuperheroes #MSH #TTRPG #SJR100
#MarvelSuperHeroes #msh #ttrpg #SJR100
Oh, a lot of franchises that people like to "translate" to D&D already have their own official RPGs. They vary in quantity, but there's usually some effort to make the system fit the fiction, rather than trying to wrap the frayed hide of the fiction around the system.
#DresdenFilesRPG ; #MarvelSuperheroes (FASERIP) #MarvelHeroicRoleplaying ;
#Avatar the Last Airbender ; #TerminatorRPG ; #DragonAge ; #TheWitcherRPG ; #CallofCthulhu ;
#dresdenfilesrpg #MarvelSuperHeroes #marvelheroicroleplaying #avatar #terminatorrpg #dragonage #TheWitcherRPG #callofcthulhu
Current snapshot for #ttrpg:
Currently running:
#ADnD #DnD1e
#MgT #Traveller
Currently playing:
#MgT #TravellerRPG #Trav
#CallOfCthulhu #CoC
#AchtungCthulhu #Achtung!Cthulhu #A!C
Most played:
Most run:
#DnD1e (#ADnD)
Want to try:
#TheOneRing #TOR
Want to return to:
#adnd #dnd1e #mgt #traveller #travellerrpg #trav #callofcthulhu #coc #achtungcthulhu #achtung #a #runequest #CyberpunkRED #theonering #tor #bladerunner #dune #MarvelSuperHeroes #ttrpg
Mostly games I need to be able to loan out to players
#IconsRPG #MarvelSuperHeroes #StarFrontiers #13thage #dnd5e