I think I just graduated from Hulk to Professor Hulk #GigaBrain. I always played the Hulk Smash card in #MarvelUnited #BoardGame as “move to adjacent location and smash”, as if the smash was the landing of the jump. Just occurred to me that the special action is actually independent, i.e. I can move, use the two heroic actions provided by my bro Tony to save these two poor civilians, and *then* smash. #GameChanging 🤯
#gigabrain #MarvelUnited #boardgame #gamechanging
#MarvelUnited 31/54 Falcon, Antman et Okoye entrent dans l’arène. On avance petit à petit.
Punisher, Bullseye, Jessica Jones, et Doctor Strange (avec Nova et Miss Marvel qui sont timides) monte le total a 28/54 #MarvelUnited.
#MarvelUnited 22/54 Squirrel Girl, Howard the duck et M.O.D.O.K se joignent à la bataille.
#MarvelUnited 19/54 La guêpe, Luke Cage et Taskmaster rejoignent le combat.
Finished my X-Force! I finished Marvel United X-Force today. Painted by Ben Tuite 02/23/2023. #TabletopGames #TabletopPainting #BoardGames #BoardGamePainting #MiniaturePainting #Marvel #BenTuite #XMen #Cable #MarvelUnited
#MarvelUnited #cable #xmen #bentuite #marvel #miniaturepainting #boardgamepainting #boardgames #tabletoppainting #tabletopgames
With three years and three collections in the books, join Bob for a peek into the cooperative title that started it all: Marvel United from CMON.
#BoardGames #CoopGames #MarvelGames #MarvelUnited #Superheroes
#superheroes #MarvelUnited #MarvelGames #coopgames #boardgames
Seeing some improvement! I finished Marvel United Cannonball today. Painted by Ben Tuite 02/09/2023. #TabletopGames #TabletopPainting #BoardGames #BoardGamePainting #SlapChop #MiniaturePainting #Marvel #BenTuite #XMen #Cannonball #MarvelUnited
#MarvelUnited #cannonball #xmen #bentuite #marvel #miniaturepainting #Slapchop #boardgamepainting #boardgames #tabletoppainting #tabletopgames
This one was tricky! I finished Marvel United Domino today. Painted by Ben Tuite 02/09/2023. #TabletopGames #TabletopPainting #BoardGames #BoardGamePainting #SlapChop #MiniaturePainting #Marvel #BenTuite #XMen #Domino #MarvelUnited
#MarvelUnited #domino #xmen #bentuite #marvel #miniaturepainting #Slapchop #boardgamepainting #boardgames #tabletoppainting #tabletopgames
#MarvelUnited 10/54 Packeta a bien fait monter les chiffres mais je m’amuse de plus en plus avec ces figs, (et le jeu est plutôt fun)
Working to get my painting skills back where they were, finished Marvel United Shatterstar today. Painted by Ben Tuite 02/02/2023. #TabletopGames #TabletopPainting #BoardGames #BoardGamePainting #SlapChop #MiniaturePainting #Marvel #BenTuite #XMen #stryfe #MarvelUnited
#MarvelUnited #stryfe #xmen #bentuite #marvel #miniaturepainting #Slapchop #boardgamepainting #boardgames #tabletoppainting #tabletopgames
Star-Lord. 158/206 #MarvelUnited #miniatures miniatures painted. Next up is Hope Summers! #starlord #guardiansofthegalaxy #marvel
#MarvelUnited #miniatures #starlord #guardiansofthegalaxy #marvel
#MarvelUnited peinture 5/10 avant l’arrivée de packeta (surement la semaine prochaine)
Premiers tests de peinture sur les figurines #MarvelUnited, ça rend plutôt bien.
Took some time to work on smoothing my paint and other improvements, finished Marvel United Shatterstar today. Painted by Ben Tuite 01/22/2023. #TabletopGames #TabletopPainting #BoardGames #BoardGamePainting #SlapChop #MiniaturePainting #Marvel #BenTuite #XMen #Shatterstar #MarvelUnited
#MarvelUnited #Shatterstar #xmen #bentuite #marvel #miniaturepainting #Slapchop #boardgamepainting #boardgames #tabletoppainting #tabletopgames
Puck managed to single-handedly knock out Avalanche with a perfect acrobatic tumble in the collapsed ruins of the Brooklyn Bridge, after he and Sasquatch cleaned up all the thugs.
I continue to like this game (#MarvelUnited) way more than it seems like I should. Interesting choices, fast and satisfying.
Super excited about #MarvelUnited season 3 #Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cmon/marvel-united-multiverse?ref=thanks-tweet
I picked the game up this year at Comicon and was disappointed when I learned none of the expansions were available on retail. #BoardGames #marvelUnitedSeason3
#marvelunitedseason3 #BoardGames #kickstarter #MarvelUnited
Super excited about #MarvelUnited season 3 #Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cmon/marvel-united-multiverse?ref=thanks-tweet
I picked the game up this year at Comicon and was disappointed when I learned none of the expansions were available on retail. #BoardGames #marvelUnitedSeason3
#marvelunitedseason3 #BoardGames #kickstarter #MarvelUnited
The Marvel United: Multiverse board game just launched on Kickstarter and I'm so excited! I have the All-In pledge from the first 2 campaigns and assuming shipping doesn't get too crazy I'll be going All-In on this one too
#BoardGames #BoardGame #Kickstarter #MarvelUnited #MarvelUnitedMultiverse #Marvel
#boardgame #MarvelUnited #marvelunitedmultiverse #marvel #kickstarter #boardgames