"The device ... allows electrical potentials of up to 40,000 volts to be obtained in a compact device ... The efficiency of the masks was tested after being washed in water; efficiency was significantly restored after brief exposure to the electric field generated by the device."
#CovidIsAirborne #MaskUp #MaskMeansRespirator #N95 #P100 @novid
#COVIDisAirborne #maskup #MaskMeansRespirator #n95 #P100
@Typomum I've been using #MaskMeansRespirator, but I realize now that it could be construed as Respirators Don't Work, which couldn't be further from the truth.
“We still don't kn...”
Yes we bloody well do. Let me list them for you:
- closing borders, staying home
- comprehensive quarantine/test/trace/isolate
- universal quantitative-fit-tested masking (#MaskMeansRespirator #P100>N95)
- universal masking
- 1-way quant-fit-tested masking
- performative QTTI
- in-person physical distancing
- anything based on evidence of symptoms
- declaring the pandemic over
#MaskMeansRespirator #P100 #CovidIsNotOver
☝️great thread on yet another recent masking efficacy study
Thanks for pulling these resources+analysis together, @Pentapod! 🙌
#COVIDIsAirborne #MaskUp #BetterMasks #MaskMeansRespirator #N95 #P100 @novid
#COVIDisAirborne #maskup #BetterMasks #MaskMeansRespirator #n95 #P100
A "well-fitting mask" is one that...
...provides adequate cover of one's face, neither being too small nor too large :drake_dislike:
...seals to one's face, completely encircling the nose+mouth such that no air can bypass the filtration material :drake_like:
#MaskUp #BetterMasks #MaskMeansRespirator #N95OrBust #P100IsEvenBetter #FitTestingForAll
#maskup #BetterMasks #MaskMeansRespirator #n95orbust #p100isevenbetter #fittestingforall
So, to everyone who's being crushed by their family, friends, coworkers, etc, into feeling like they have no choice but to embrace the deception and denial: we see you. We hear you. We support you.
#COVIDIsNotOver #COVIDIsAirborne #LongCOVIDIsReal #MaskUp #MaskMeansRespirator #YouMayBeEarlyButYoureNotWrong
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #LongCovidIsReal #maskup #MaskMeansRespirator #youmaybeearlybutyourenotwrong
Which fits better with the quotes below:
Masks still matter because [of]
Masks don't matter because [of]
"...pandemic fatigue"
"...a justified perception that the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us"
"...a sustained decline in daily COVID-19 deaths"
"...80% of Americans have now had at least one vaccine dose"
#CovidIsNotOver #maskup #MaskMeansRespirator
"pathogens collect on the outside of masks and lead to more risk of infection" is a prelude to "masks are too dangerous; wearing them is prohibited"
#maskup #BetterMasks #MaskMeansRespirator #N9 #P100
Is the pandemic over?
"Pandem-ic tracks inequality across countries in #COVID mortality, infection and #vaccination. It provides data-driven insights into pandemic severity, the #Omicron escalation and global #vaccine equity."
ht @noyes
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDIsAirborne #MaskUp #BetterMasks #MaskMeansRespirator
#covid #vaccination #omicron #vaccine #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #maskup #BetterMasks #MaskMeansRespirator
@TheMemeticist option A) it's milder than ever and that many hospitalizations means an absolutely gargantuan number of cases; option B) it's all of a sudden gotten incredibly severe. Either way... #Masks? 😷