let's normalize use of "acute phase" when describing initial covid symptoms or lack thereof.
as in, I was lucky to have pretty mild symptoms during my ACUTE PHASE OF covid infection.
or, regarding transmission dynamics, it's important to understand that most (60%?) of people are asymptomatic during their acute phase of covid infection.
it's scientifically accurate and socially helpful.
if a journalist uses "acute" in an article I would be so happy and send them flowers.
let's normalize use of "acute phase" when describing initial covid symptoms or lack thereof.
as in, I was lucky to have pretty mild symptoms my ACUTE PHASE OF covid infection. or, regarding transmission dynamics, it's important to understand that most (60%?) of people are asymptomatic during their acute phase of covid infection.
it's scientifically accurate and socially helpful.
if a journalist used "acute" in an article I would be so happy and send them flowers (that's not a threat)
#FDA okays new #coronavirus #vaccine as #RespiratoryIllness season nears - The Washington Post
#fda #Coronavirus #vaccine #respiratoryillness #covid #MaskUp
You really can't make shit like this up. Next week zoe baker is doing a talk at freedom books in london to promote and discuss her new book on anarchist history. She'll be remote videoing into the event, but freedom doesn't have a mask enforcement policy and isn't letting other people remote video into the event... So zoe will be the only shielding person (kind of, through a computer) welcome at the event. Hear that kids? If you lick the nondisabled boot hard enough and get famous enough they'll let you videochat into your own book launch (but they still won't wear masks to allow you to participate in society or keep you alive, be realistic) 😂
i would @ any of the people involved in this debacle but zoe is still only using twitter and freedom's masto seems to be an unmonitored crossposter 🤷♀️
#anarchism #ZoeBaker #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp
Frances Ryan, columnist with The Guardian and book author, on the public COVID amnesia:
“Covid’s back, you say? As disabled and vulnerable people know all too well, it never went away”
“Clinically vulnerable (CV) patients still ‘need’ the Covid-19 protections. They just don’t get them.”
“NHS staff in England don’t have to wear a mask, and the majority who have respiratory symptoms are no longer asked to test for Covid.”
“The paradox of the pandemic has always been that the only way to ‘move on’ is to actually engage with it.”
More from Frances Ryan: https://www.theguardian.com/profile/frances-ryan
(Repost because the original toot lacked alt text on the image and also because I wanted to quote a few more bits.)
h/t @Pinchy63
#SARSCoV2 #COVID #COVID19 #LongCOVID #CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #MaskUp #BringBackMasks #CleanAir
#SarsCoV2 #covid #covid19 #LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #MaskUp #BringBackMasks #cleanair
How many of you never stopped masking at work/school/play/on public transit/while in shops/in healthcare?
Thank you.
Do we care whether we can see your smile? Not a jot.
Do we want to mitigate the spread of #COVID19? Yes.
Are we ALL vulnerable? Yes.
#COVID19 #MaskUp #COVIDisAirborne
2023 September publication
#MASKUP with a high quality filtration mask & wear it properly
Shave facial hairs and get used to good fit
#MaskUp #SarsCoV2 #mpxv #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver
LOL I just found the right expression for uninviting myself before I had even been invited 🤣
"If I wasn't so Corona-shy I'd join you ... "
#MaskUp #CovidIsntover 'DieMaskeBleibtAuf
#IDmastodon @northwesternu
That’s great in the Marching of #Eris & #pirola ‘#MaskUp & ’Mind that #viralload #COVID patients exhale up to 1,000 copies of 🦠 per minute during first 8 days of symptoms .First direct measure of #SARSCoV2 viral copies exhaled over the course of infection
#IDMastodon #eris #pirola #MaskUp #viralload #COVID #SarsCoV2
#IDMastodon #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp 😷 #GetBoosted @gomez_rial
The chronic pro-inflammatory state was associated with #SarsCoV2 infections in unvaccinated individuals during the 1st wave, due to the action of an uncontrolled #innateimmunity. This phenomenon can be avoided with #covid19vaccination. The immune system after infection is perfectly competent in its functions.
#IDMastodon #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #GetBoosted #SarsCoV2 #innateimmunity #covid19vaccination
"With about 2% of the U.S. population actively infectious with C0VID, school and in-person work remain extremely risky.
Offer remote activities. #MaskUp. #VaxUp again when allowed. Read up on and improve indoor air quality. Avoid indoor dining. #RapidTest frequently. "
➡️Oh, and @CDCgov, try to put PREVENTION first, not just hand wave about 'having the tools' and merely cheap talk about 'handwashing' @CDCDirector Cohen! Stop putzing around--the Biden WH, CDC, states, cities, workplaces and schools all need to take this seriously. And for the love of God--use N95 masks in all hospitals/doctors offices, plus clean indoor air is not political--get HEPA filters & cheap Corsi Boxes in all schools and workplaces. I beg you. #COVIDisNotOver #MaskUp #CleanAirForAll
#CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #CleanAirForAll
@PaulWermer @thepoliticalcat @Porpentina2017
I’m an old enough fart too and I worry about all of us.
Old farts don’t deserve to die early (young) and struggle with long Covid and then die young anyways.
#MaskUp #CorsiRosenthalBox #ventilation
I did a snoot-full of Enovid before and after going in for this preop appointment. Now I’m on my way home on the Vashon Island ferry back to Seattle and the fog is so dense how do they see? Terrifying. All of it. Enough excitement for today! I’m going to take another shower when I get home, netipot my sinuses with saline, do some more Enovid then chill all weekend and recover. #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp
I live in a #Boston area suburb and this is the #wastewater data for my county. 😩
Levels are back up to what they were for almost all of 2022, when covid prevalence essentially hovered around a Delta-level plateau.
School district is silent. I am the only #masked person in stores.
I feel pretty hopeless. So many people are getting needlessly infected, many of whom will end up with chronic health issues.
Source for graph: biobot.io/data
#MaskUp #CovidIsNotOver #masked #wastewater #boston
I walked into my doctor’s office just now and there’s a waiting room full of hacking, coughing, unmasked people. I’m wearing my P100 respirator with giant hot pink cartridges for particulates and organic pollution plus I’m using my upright Walker, Luke Mosswalker and I’m also wearing my skull tunic. The staff took one look at me and took me to a exam room in a wing unoccupied by other patients because I am scaring the other patients. #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp
This wave is not over. The school year has not yet started. Boosters are not yet available.
The slow but study increase in #Covid19 hospitalisations in England continues. 10% up on last week. That might not sound like much, but a little increase each week adds up. We have over 3 times as many covid hospitalisations now than at the end of June.
Be careful out there, folks!
#MaskUp #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19