#CDC #masking guidance has been a sham from the beginning
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 21, 2023 - How to survive COVID LOCKDOWNS 2.0 - next hysteria wave about to be unleashed
- Storm hits Southern California and most locals have zero preparedness
- Covid hysteria 2.0 now being pushed by government and media - get ready for more mandates
- Coming soon: Mandatory #masking #vaccines #lockdowns #quarantine and social distancing
- We must RESIST the #tyranny and say NO to the authoritarians
- New research shows covid vaccines shed spike protein to others (self-replicating #bioweapons )
- How to prepare your immune system for the next #plandemic wave
- Karen Kingston re-emerges from "missing persons" status and is SAFE at a hotel in Mexico
- Clown world: White woman says being BLACK is genetics, but being a man or a woman is a CHOICE (huh?)
- Special report with Steve Quayle: Government waging WAR against We the People
#Masking #vaccines #lockdowns #quarantine #tyranny #bioweapons #Plandemic
Habe heute einen Beitrag zum Thema #Masking geschrieben.
Ich verlinke auf *gg* LinkedIn, da zu groß für hier und ich mag nicht splitten
Bei Interesse könnt ihr mir hier gerne eine DM schicken.
#COVID19 psy-op exposed -- "network" of #doctors who pushed #masking, #lockdowns on #Twitter during #pandemic don't exist: https://t.co/mKZKJQcCgd
#pandemic #Twitter #lockdowns #Masking #Doctors #COVID19
Ich mache mal einen neuen Post zum Thema #Masking, weil ich deine Anmerkunge "..Das Problem mit dem Masking fängt ja früh an: in der Erziehung.." so wichtig für #Autist*innen finde.
Ich wurde als kleines Kind ins Treppenhaus geschickt, um darüber nachzudenken, dass ich meine Familei traurig gemacht hatte, weil ich keine Hand geben/in die Augen gucken wollte. War schlimmer als Schläge. So erlernte ich, dass ich es bin, die die Verantwortung trage für das Wohlfühlen aller.
What's the different between not knowing about #autism today and not willing to learn about us?
I told a friend that I'm #actuallyautistic and would like to stop #masking.
She: Wow, but you was normal, right? What happened?
I explained what autism means, that I masked for her and she was interested and paid attention.
I don't care, that she didn't know about us before! I care that she cares for me being me right now.
Thats's what friends are for: So listen, be open-minded.
#autism #actuallyautistic #Masking
🩸#LibTard #Commies are OFFENDED by EveryThing !!!!
🩸Except #Mutilated Children
🩸#Sterilizing Children
🩸#Sexualizing Children
🩸Exposing ThemSelves to Children
🩸#Killing & #Aborting Children
🩸#Masking Children
🩸Injecting Children with #ClotShots
🔥 Burning Down Cities… Where Children LIVE
🩸#HumanTrafficking Children with #OpenBorders
🩸Threatening to TAKE your Children with ABCs
🩸Well… LibTard Commies are pretty much OK with AnyThing that DESTROYS CHILDREN
🩸 bc they are DEMONCRATS
🩸Must be WHY they Just Hired #Podesta
🩸bc He’s Super Good At THAT
#podesta #openborders #humantrafficking #ClotShots #Masking #Aborting #killing #sexualizing #Sterilizing #Mutilated #commies #libtard
🩸They r just Selfish Self Centered Cowardly Brainwashed FOOLS
🩸who have NO Internal MORAL COMPASS 🧭
🩸 just Robots 🤖 w Skin
🩸 who Do What They are TOLD to Do
🩸 bc $$$$$$ obviously
🩸 #SocialDistancing
🩸 #Masking
🩸 #MaskMandates
🩸 #Mandates
🩸 #Booster Mandates
🩸 #Lockdowns
🩸 #Isolation
🩸 then… Isolation Camps
#isolation #lockdowns #booster #mandates #MaskMandates #Masking #socialdistancing
#JustinTrudeau and his family have been spotted coming off the airplane in #CostaRica entirely bare-faced, even though #Canadians continue to suffer the humiliation of forced #masking on planes: https://thecountersignal.com/trudeau-and-family-caught-bare-faced-on-rcaf-flight/
#Masking #Canadians #costarica #JustinTrudeau
@lizzard genau, #Maskieren war die Bezeichnung welche mir entfallen war gedanklich. 😉
Frauen machen #Masking scheinbar vermehrt als wie Männer, das nehme ich auch so war. Wahrscheinlich eine soziale Komponente?! 🤔
Couple allegedly kicked off #ViaRail #train for not #masking between sips: https://www.rebelnews.com/couple_allegedly_kicked_off_via_rail_train_for_not_masking_between_sips