Today we start our 10th run with our very favorite superhero TTRPG, Masks: A New Generation, from Magpie Games.
And who better to play and analyze this system with us than GMs of amazing Masks APs, James Malloy of Protean City and Indi Tan of Dice Comics!
The first of our 3 Masks episodes is out today, in the places where you get podcasts and at
#ttrpg #podcast #MasksANewGeneration
@SevenDeadlyExes going back to my mention of #MasksANewGeneration, this game definitely can have scenes involving superheroes with a variety of powers and see them used in epic action sequences.
However, it doesn't have rules differentiating fire vs ice powers, speedsters (Flash) vs street-level acrobats (Robin, Hawkeye). Players are free to describe/interpret how the result of rolls on concise and focused moves. Still, those interpretations are very important to Masks.
I've been writing a "phase 2" set of stories for a #MasksANewGeneration game I was in a few years ago. Those stories are wrapping up with the Invisible Invasion arc. Now I'm planning for "phase 3", and have a team of villains, the "Seven Wonders". This thread will talk about those villains and what they do. Replies are unlisted per server etiquette.
Redoing my #5and5 with hashtags!
Last 5 #ttrpg s I've Played:
- #Exalted #ExaltedThirdEdition #ExaltedEssence
- #Shadowrun (4th & 5th edition)
- #DnD
- #CortexPrime (various)
- #Don'tRestYourHead
5 TTRPGs I Want To Play:
- #BladesInTheDark
- #NeonCityOverdrive
- #Cyberpunk (2020 2e, or RED)
- #CofD #nWoD #ChroniclesOfDarkness (especially DtD, MtAw, CtL, VtR)
- #Masks #MasksANewGeneration
#5and5 #ttrpg #exalted #ExaltedThirdEdition #ExaltedEssence #shadowrun #DnD #cortexprime #don #bladesinthedark #NeonCityOverdrive #cyberpunk #CofD #nWoD #ChroniclesOfDarkness #masks #MasksANewGeneration
What would be a good hashtag for the #pbtA Masks #TTRPG?
#MasksANewGeneration is a bit long
#MasksNG, #MasksRPG, #MasksTTRPG?
#pbta #ttrpg #MasksANewGeneration #MasksNG #masksrpg #MasksTTRPG
For the #TTRPG fans out there.
(h/t @Rolistespod for the format)
Last 5 played
#worldwidewrestlingrpg (i have a monthly tradition with my most adventurous table where we try something brand new to us all, and i have to say this is a new fave.)

Next 5 I want to play
#GetYourGameOn (firebrands yugioh rpg )
#ttrpg #dndduets #deltagreen #worldwidewrestlingrpg #avatarlegends #RodReelandFist #GetYourGameOn #TheBurningWheel #CthulhuD100 #BrindlewoodBay #MasksANewGeneration
@EveryEditionRPG sure, I'm in!
Last Five
#DungeonWorld (well, a hack of DW)
#FASERIP Marvel Super-heroes (I know!)
Want To Play
#NeonCityOverdrive (it's up next!)
#dungeonworld #BrindlewoodBay #FASERIP #MasksANewGeneration #GoblinQuest #NeonCityOverdrive #technoir #SentinelComics #Spire #dontrestyourhead