Check this article out ...& if you haven't already, sign up for the Expose' s free email newsletter...they're telling the truth & shining the light! We're in a war on many fronts, but definitely an info & deception war. DoNotComply We need to be aware, & take care of ourselves & others, but #NoFear on Plandemic 2.0 & and NO on more #CovidCommunism #MedicalTyranny in any shape,form,or fashion! They are making this stuff in labs & releasing it on us! #BioWarfare #CrimesAgainstHumanity
#HealthFreedom #TeamHumanity
#MyBodyMyChoice #BodyAutonomy #ConstitutionalRights #BillOfRights
#MasksDoNotWork CDC lied to us about all things Covid, including masks & jabs, but did admit at different points (silenced by propaganda media) that the jabs don't prevent transmission or infection, & that masks are ineffective. #Plandemic is also #ElectionInterference 2.0 #DoNotComply
#nofear #CovidCommunism #medicaltyranny #biowarfare #crimesagainsthumanity #HealthFreedom #teamhumanity #mybodymychoice #BodyAutonomy #constitutionalrights #billofrights #MasksDoNotWork #Plandemic #electioninterference #donotcomply
Total BS! Does a mask protect against Poisonous ☠️ snake 🐍 venom? I think not. Total psychological operation hiding evils within the non “virus” #BioWeapon #SnakeVenomBioWeapon #DefeatTheMandates #JustSayNo #NoMandates #MasksDoNotWork #CovidJabsDoNotWork to prevent symptoms, they cause Covid symptoms and poisonous snake 🐍 bite like symptoms #WatchTheWater
#watchthewater #CovidJabsDoNotWork #MasksDoNotWork #NoMandates #justsayno #DefeattheMandates #SnakeVenomBioWeapon #bioweapon
^^ If you want actual data and science on masks, this is the thread. Drop peer reviewed papers, there are a lot. Search Pre-2020, before censorship kicked in on the issue.
(yes, I know we all know, did this 2 years ago, they don't stop, so I won't stop)
The Nuremburg Code
This Law I believe was put into effect after the Genocide of Jews by gassing and such evil types of murder during the War
Business's and People can be tried in " The Hague " for violating this Law as Genocide is happening again!! Take off the mask's and live your life like the Free and Sovereign Being you are!!
This is a serious Law and people should know it #news #freedom #mask #MasksDoNotWork #BillGates
#BillGates #MasksDoNotWork #mask #freedom #news