The registration for the NORMAN RMassBank workshop 2023 on 29 August 2023 (online) is open. If you are interested in the submission of mass spectral data to MassBank Europe, you are welcome to register: #MassBank #RMassBank #NORMAN_Network #massspec @massspec @massbank_consortium
#MassBank #rmassbank #norman_network #massspec
Today, we updated #MassBankEU to system version 2.2.3. and deployed MassBank-data release 2023.06 (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8005857). We added new spectra provided by @Agilent Technologies, @Eawag, 345 new spectra from MSSJ, LCSB and US EPA CCTE. Welcome to our new contributors! @massspec @massbank_consortium @nfdi4chem #NFDI4Chem #MassBank
#massbankeu #NFDI4Chem #MassBank
#MassBank release 2022.12.1 is now also available in :rstats: through @bioconductor 's #AnnotationHub ! Super easy and reproducible way to get the data (see below).
Thanks @toschber et al. for support and fixing the release.
#MassBank #annotationhub #metabolomics #massspectrometry #annotation #rstats
Some background on my cryptic post (was planned as private...). I am one of the maintainers of @massbank_consortium #MassBank. We are improving exchange with global partners to spread out content and @egonw is our contact person to #wikidata.
We released the new #MassBank data version 2022.12. Thanks to Martin Lab at Stockholm University to submit their first bunch of records!
@massbank_consortium #MassBank_Europe #NORMAN @nfdi4chem @massspec #teammassspec #massspectrometry #massspec
#MassBank #MassBank_Europe #norman #teammassspec #massspectrometry #massspec
I just created a group @massbank_consortium to discuss all topics regarding the #MassBank environment (
With morning tea, a good time to write my version of #introduction. I am Tobias Schulze and work at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig, Germany #ufz. I am one of the maintainers of #MassBank. I am involved in #NFDI4Chem and interested in #RDM, #teammassspec, #NTS, #nontargetscreening, #datascience, and #toxprofiling.
#introduction #ufz #MassBank #NFDI4Chem #rdm #teammassspec #nts #nontargetscreening #datascience #toxprofiling