Welp. That's both #MassEffectLegendary and #MassEffectAndromeda done with.
What do I do now.
#MassEffectLegendary #masseffectandromeda
If I have the spoons later might finally start playing #MassEffectLegendary edition. Been years since I’ve played the original releases
BioWare: "Behold an entire galaxy of worlds to explore between the main missions to take down Saren!"
Me: "Right, Saren, Missions"
BioWare: "uh, it's been a while are you going to stop Saren?"
Me One Mission in on my 5th Hour Driving Around an Alien Planet #MassEffectLegendary
Tellement hypé par #MassEffect #MassEffectLegendary
Hâte le 14 mai pour pouvoir revivre l'aventure avec #FemShep une fois de plus (et avec les DLCs que je n'ai jamais fais, cette fois)
#femshep #MassEffectLegendary #masseffect