Interesting account of the last few years from a funeral industry insider
Please read the details at RAIR Foundation
#Covidmeasures #Diedsuddenly #Massiveconspiracy #vaccines
#vaccines #Massiveconspiracy #Diedsuddenly #Covidmeasures
A fascinating moment of 1980s TV
Two minutes and eighteen seconds.
Can't believe this aired on TV
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) June 5, 2023
Rockefeller Commission 2010 report on Operation Lockstep
James Lunney Testimony at NCI: How Vitamin D could have stopped it all
James Lunney was a member of Parliament for 15 years, and a chiropractor who did extensive research into the major health benefits of proper Vitamin D use for disease prevention. In this presentation at the National Citizens Inquiry in Ottawa, Dr. Lu
#Covidmeasures #Massiveconspiracy #NCINationalCitizensInquiry
#NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Massiveconspiracy #Covidmeasures
Two items: Reiner Fuellmich and MP Andrew Bridgen, and what the hell is going on with NATO and Kosovo?
1. An interesting discussion between Rheiner Fuelmich and UK MP, Andrew Bridgen
2. Something appears to be going on in Kosovo with the Serbs:
As I get it f
#Covidmeasures #EuropeanCivilwars #Massiveconspiracy
#Massiveconspiracy #EuropeanCivilwars #Covidmeasures
Dr. Denis Rancourt testimony at NCI Ottawa: Excess deaths due to vaxx
A few days ago, we posted an astonishing clip of ex Pfizer VP, Mike Yeadon. He made some very bold claims but ones that should probably be considered before dismissal out of hand, if for no other reason, than events of the past few decades show that trusting in the syste
#Covidmeasures #Massiveconspiracy #vaccines
#vaccines #Massiveconspiracy #Covidmeasures
Dr. Edward Leyton: Just how bad are the Colleges of Surgeons and Physicians?
This is another must watch.
#Covidmeasures #ExposingLeftism #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy #NCINationalCitizensInquiry
#NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #ExposingLeftism #Covidmeasures
Dr. Daniel Nagase testimony at NCI May 19th: He names names and details the new nature of medicine as it now is in Canada
At this point the key takeaway from a great deal of events being reported certainly in 2023, but arguably much much longer, is that a com
#Covidmeasures #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy #NCINationalCitizensInquiry
#NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #Covidmeasures
Stunning interview with top OBGYN, Dr. James Thorp: Did Pfizer set out to sterilize women?
Please try and carve out the time to watch this critically important video. Dr. Thorp shares his 45 years plus, clinical experience to expose how the various Covid injections have damaged women and fertility in particular, and expo
#Covidmeasures #Massiveconspiracy #vaccines
#vaccines #Massiveconspiracy #Covidmeasures
Dr. Laura Braden at National Citizen’s Inquiry
Laura is a Ph.D in cell and molecular biology. She has a specialty in host parasites and viral infections.
The following presentation is hard science and deals with pretty much ALL of the claims of Covid and the vaxx. This is comprehensive and excellent. Much of it will not be new to readers of Vlad, as we publ
#Covidmeasures #Massiveconspiracy #vaccines
#vaccines #Massiveconspiracy #Covidmeasures
Veteran CBC Journalist explains how Canadian media went from news to anti-independent-thought propaganda
We posted this video a few days ago as part of a multi-item Daily Links post. Going over the material again, it's important enough put out there once more in case a
#CBC #Censorship #Covidmeasures #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy #Truckerprotest
#Truckerprotest #Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #Covidmeasures #Censorship #CBC
German Government and Media Admit ‘Covid’ Vaccine Damage, Victims Tell Their Horrific Stories
Please read the details at RAIR Foundation.
These videos are stunning. And important. There is a third one in the works and should be released soon. But meanwhile please check out these first two parts transl
#Covidmeasures #Germany #Massiveconspiracy #vaccines
#vaccines #Massiveconspiracy #Germany #Covidmeasures
It was not a mistake: A video reminding us to not allow a way out for the perpetrators
Probably should watch a few times.
#Covidmeasures #Massiveconspiracy #Policebrutality
#Policebrutality #Massiveconspiracy #Covidmeasures
Ontario city councillor apologizes for harm done by vaxx mandates
Click through to YouTube for the comments.
#Covidmeasures #Massiveconspiracy #Ontario #vaccines
#vaccines #Ontario #Massiveconspiracy #Covidmeasures
Ontario Paramedic drops info-bombs on infant mortality
Please read the writeup at RAIR Foundation
#Massiveconspiracy #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #vaccines
#vaccines #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Massiveconspiracy
Tucker Carlson: A hard look at a few issues
Ottawa hosted an event for Ukraine yesterday, backed by the German Embassy among other diplomatic agencies.
#Massiveconspiracy #TuckerCarlson #Ukraine
#Ukraine #TuckerCarlson #Massiveconspiracy
Israel-Pfizer Liability & Indemnity Provision
#Covidmeasures #Israel #Massiveconspiracy #vaccines
#vaccines #Massiveconspiracy #Israel #Covidmeasures
John Campbell Ph.D today, catches up to Jon Tallinger in 2020
Please note: Dr. Jon Tallinger came out in advance of the bulk of these killings and blew the whistle on the Swedish government for this program. He showed the proof that doctors were instructed to give these drugs, an opiate + a diazepam, which stops breathing, to elderly Covid patients. This w
#Covidmeasures #Massiveconspiracy
#Massiveconspiracy #Covidmeasures
Chicken Feed
In multiple Tucker Carlson episodes dating back a couple of weeks, we learn that there is a serious shortage in chicken eggs for human consumption. As the weeks went on, we learned that it seems as if once you take Chickens off of the commercial and popular, Purina Chicken Chow (or whatever its called) the hens start laying again.
Curious innit? It's almost like the feed someho
#Covidmeasures #Massiveconspiracy #vaccines
#vaccines #Massiveconspiracy #Covidmeasures
First in a five part series on Never Again by Holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav: Nazi and Covid policies examined
‘Never Again Is Now Global,’ a five-part docuseries directed by holocaust survivor Vera Sharav highlights the parallels betwee
#Covidmeasures #Criminalizingoppositiontored-greenpolicies #Massiveconspiracy #Policebrutality #vaccines
#vaccines #Policebrutality #Massiveconspiracy #Criminalizingoppositiontored #Covidmeasures
Cover up in Canada, 90 Canadian doctors dropped dead suddenly after COVID vaccine
I believe that Dr. Paul Alexander is one of the three doctors who initiated the hearings taking place now with the Ontario College of Surgeons and Physicians. An organization in desperate need of a more reflective name for what they actually do by the way.
#Covidmeasures #Massiveconspiracy
#Massiveconspiracy #Covidmeasures