Yesterday was a good day. So, of course, my dumbass decided to treat myself to a hot chocolate while out with family. I took exactly three sips before realising I had made a terrible mistake.
Sleeping it off didn't work. It's now 11:30am and the entire morning has been a write-off.
I am really trying to work on being thankful to my body for keeping me alive, but at the moment I'm not having warm feelings about it.
#mcas #MastCellActivationSyndrome #mastcelldisease
MCAS = Mast Cell Activation Disorder. If anyone reading this has MCAS and has undergone the dramatic shift in severity that happens for some with the condition has any advice it is very welcome.
#MastCellActivationSyndrome #EhlersDanlosSyndrome
A question for others with MCAS. I'm very new into a low histamine diet and struggling more than I have with restrictions in the past. I successfully navigated being vegan and gluten free for many years but this is really over the top. I feel like I'm spending so much time in the kitchen preparing every meal individually.
Any tips on how you plan ahead, or convenient quick ready-meals we can eat? (I'm in the UK)
#MCAS #MastCellDisease #MastCellActivationSyndrome #EhlersDanlos #EDS #POTS
#mcas #mastcelldisease #MastCellActivationSyndrome #ehlersdanlos #eds #pots
#MastCellActivationDisease #MCAD
#MastCellActivationSyndrome #MCAS
#PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #POTS #Dysautonomia
#ChronicIllness #ComplexIllness
#ADHD #Autism
#DystopianLit #DystopianSciFi #DystopianFantasy
#FibreArt #FibreArts
pinned toots will be added to and/or changed over time
#MastCellActivationDisease #MCAD #MastCellActivationSyndrome #mcas #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #pots #Dysautonomia #chronicillness #ComplexIllness #intersectionality #adhd #autism #MentalIllness #neurodivergence #PleasureGardening #dystopianlit #DystopianSciFi #DystopianFantasy #fibreart #fibrearts
MCAS comes with this great game I'm learning about. It's called "Can I Still Eat That?" and to play it you eat something and afterward learn how allergic-sick it makes you. Cool game. Super fun.
I am very sad about pickles.
#mcas #MastCellActivationSyndrome
more interests & what I stand for:
#Decolonialism #Anticolonialism
#Creating #Crafting #Building #Making
#Dogs #DogsDogsDogs! #RescueDogs
#MastCellActivationDisease #MCAD
#MastCellActivationSyndrome #MCAS
#PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #POTS #Dysautonomia
#ChronicIllness #ComplexIllness
#decolonialism #anticolonialism #antiracism #Creating #crafting #building #making #dogs #DogsDogsDogs #RescueDogs #MastCellActivationDisease #MCAD #MastCellActivationSyndrome #mcas #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #pots #Dysautonomia #chronicillness #ComplexIllness #intersectionality