Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
1014 followers · 746 posts · Server

Hi folks, regarding . As you've probably noticed I'm quite late, that's because a lot of stuff has come up that needs to be dealt with, unfortunately. Also, been going through a whole process of redefining my artistic self, so yeah... The topic on composition is also really big so the best way to tackle it is in chunks. It's probably the most important subject, because this is where all other skills join together to make a whole. Hoping to post soon!

#MastoArtStudy #mastoartstudynumber8

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
1007 followers · 733 posts · Server

Thanks to @uddelhexe_ and @mray for replying! The story I tried to convey with the previous version of this painting was that the two figures are hunted by the large spaceships on the horizon for reasons unknown. A friend in their fast airship comes to the rescue and manages to find them in the nick of time.

That story didn't really came through, so I tried to adjust the image using your feedback. I hope it's a bit clearer now.

#sunset #spaceship #desert #SciFi #MastoArtStudy #MastoArt

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
1008 followers · 723 posts · Server

Here's my painting for using a complementary color scheme of orange and blue, with a dash of yellow and purple. I want to use this painting for our next on composition. Now, to test my own skill in this topic, I'd like you to tell me the story of what's going on in this piece to see if your interpretation corresponds to my intentions...

#sunset #scifiart #spaceship #desert #SciFi #MastoArt #MastoArtStudy #mastoartstudynumber7

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
1005 followers · 716 posts · Server

Allright, and that's a wrap for ! I'm hoping to see some more entries the coming days, but we'll see. I've been away from home, but when I get back I'm going to make a painting with a blue/orange color scheme, which I'm also hoping to use in next week's lesson on composition.

#colortheory #MastoArt #MastoArtStudy #mastoartstudynumber7

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
999 followers · 694 posts · Server

Finally I'm back with another !
This time we're practicing color harmonies using the color wheel. The exercise: paint anything you want, but you must use a complementary color scheme or an analogous color scheme with a complementary touch. Visit my blog for an extensive lesson on the topic:
(I think it turned out really well) Deadline is 11th of april. Good luck, I'm looking forward to seeing you entries!

#colortheory #MastoArt #mastoartstudynumber7 #MastoArtStudy

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
992 followers · 688 posts · Server

So, I finally managed to finish my commission yesterday. I basically drew and colored three comic pages in two weeks, where it took a tremendous amount of time before it finally 'clicked' and it started to roll more automatically. To wind down I've started on a passion piece for , and I'll soon be diving into the subject of colour theory for our next . In the mean time, here is some sketch studies of , in preperation for that passion piece.

#mosstodon #iliche #lichen #MastoArtStudy #snailriders

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
985 followers · 666 posts · Server

All right, that's a wrap for ! Thanks everyone for participating! If you're still finishing up your version, don't worry, you can still upload and participate. Next week we're going to dive more into Color Theory and after that Composition!

#mastoartstudy6 #MastoArtStudy #MastoArt #mastoartstudynumber6

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
975 followers · 657 posts · Server

So it's time for ! This time we're practicing shading. Bit delayed, because I was very pressed for time. You gave me your suggestions on which I based this drawing for you. Now it's up to you to choose a light source and shade this picture!
Visit my blog for a helpful guide on shading and rules for joining :

Deadline is 28.02.2023!


#caterpillar #cat #dinosaur #MastoArt #MastoArtStudy #mastoartstudynumber6

Last updated 2 years ago

Wuchta · @wuchta
170 followers · 329 posts · Server

I did a little study from the second one.

#sketch #MastoArt #mastoartstudy2 #MastoArtStudy

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
971 followers · 650 posts · Server

So that's a wrap for ! Thank you so much for participating. I'll strive to have the next exercise ready on tuesday the 14th of february. In the next exercise we're going to practice shading. But I want to change up the exercise a bit. Instead of shading the usual sphere, I'm going to make a drawing which you are going to shade… And I would like you to send in some wild suggestions of what I'm going to draw for you!

#mastoartstudynumber5 #MastoArtStudy #MastoArt #mastoartstudy5

Last updated 2 years ago

Marlene Breitenstein Art · @breitensteinart
129 followers · 224 posts · Server

🙏 The @oatmeal's comic on convinced me to refresh and improve my skills with some fundamental exercises. It's time for me to do the hard work I've been avoiding.

I decided to join @BenjaminBrinckmann's generous prompts.

This is my Notan study, which breaks Thomas Moran's painting The Golden Hour into 5 values, from light to dark.

This was also a good excuse to finally start learning .

#drawing #artist #mastoartstudynumber5 #mastoartstudy5 #MastoArt #krita #MastoArtStudy #painting #creativity

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
957 followers · 630 posts · Server

Here it is ! This week we're doing another value study but this time with five colors. I'm honestly very proud of this lesson. I think it's my best one yet. I learned tons of writing this one myself! It's quite lengthy, but there are lots of pictures, and it deals with a lot of very important stuff: Value, Saturation and its importance in composition. So please visit my blog at to read it all about it!

#MastoArt #MastoArtStudy #mastoartstudynumber5 #mastoartstudy5

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
957 followers · 629 posts · Server

Hi participants,
I'm so sorry, but I'm not going to make it to finish this weeks exercise tonight. I hope to get it done by tomorrow, and otherwise on thursday (26.01). The subject takes a bit more study from my side to make a proper explanation, and I don't want to throw together an exercise haphazardly.

#mastoartstudynumber5 #mastoartstudy5 #MastoArtStudy

Last updated 2 years ago

lepunktnoir · @lepunktnoir
224 followers · 941 posts · Server

Little bit late for

Absolutely regretted my decision to pick this particular image for the Notan study but I did my best. I also felt the need to add the black background because it didn’t make much sense without it. Kind of looked like a floating head with a weird hand so I thought that was the only way to save it. :artsweats:

#DigitalArt #MastoArtStudy #MastoArt #mastoartstudynumber4

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
956 followers · 620 posts · Server

Well, I gotta say that that's a wrap for , however there weren't any entries this time. If you wanted to participate, but didn't, could you maybe tell me why? Was the exercise too difficult, or the prompt images not good enough? Was the subject matter not relevant for you, or did you just not have the time to participate? Please let me know, so I can make some adjustments for the next exercise.

#MastoArt #MastoArtStudy #mastoartstudynumber4

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
954 followers · 614 posts · Server

Hello everyone, and happy new year! It is time for 4!
We're going into a new chapter this time: light and shadow. And we're starting off by practicing Notan drawing, pure black drawings of only shadows!

Visit my blog for a more detailed description of the exercise and theory, prompt images and more info on joining the exercise:

I'm looking forward to seeing your entries!

#mastoartstudymainpost #MastoArt #MastoArtStudy #mastoartstudynumber

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
952 followers · 612 posts · Server

All right, that's a wrap for ! Thanks for participating! I know many of you have probably been to busy last two weeks to draw but if you still have a drawing in the making, feel free to upload it anyway.

Next week we're going to start on a next topic. Namely, light and shadow. See you then!

#MastoArt #MastoArtStudy #mastoartstudynumber3

Last updated 2 years ago

lepunktnoir · @lepunktnoir
199 followers · 777 posts · Server

Time for
I choose to draw capybara because I never drew it before. I missed some proportions in the basic shapes so I ended up making corrections during the detail phase. 🙈

#capybara #MastoArtStudy #MastoArt #mastoartstudy3

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
907 followers · 602 posts · Server

Hello everyone! It is time for !
I know everybody will be terribly busy these coming days which is why I set the deadline to tuesday January 3rd.

This time we'll be practicing drawing animals using simple shapes! Visit my blog for a detailed description of the exercise, image prompts and more info on joining the exercise:

I'm looking forward to seeing your entries!

#mastoartstudymainpost #MastoArt #MastoArtStudy #mastoartstudynumber3

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin Brinckmann · @BenjaminBrinckmann
939 followers · 608 posts · Server

Hello everyone! It is time for !
I know everybody will be terribly busy these coming days which is why I set the deadline to tuesday January 3rd.

This time we'll be practicing drawing animals using simple shapes! Visit my blog for a detailed description of the exercise, image prompts and more info on joining the exercise:

I'm looking forward to seeing your entries!

#mastoartstudymainpost #MastoArt #MastoArtStudy #mastoartstudynumber3

Last updated 2 years ago