Trying test toot from the Tooot iOS app which at first go looks much better than the official Mastodon app. Easy to see federated and local feeds, as well as those I follow. Now seeing how well it uploads a photo, with my St Andrews Cathedral picture. Not quite ideal for photo upload because I must turn my iPad round to portrait orientation to be able to add alt text. But considerably better than the official Mastodon app. #iOS #iOSclients #MastoClient #Clients #Tooot #StAndrews #Fife #Scotland
#scotland #fife #standrews #tooot #clients #MastoClient #iosclients #ios
Showing off some base work for my #MastoClient, which is being called #ProjectMonday, after #MastoMonday.
Spoiler: it's not terribly exciting yet! I've been trying to get down a solid flow for OAuth and cache management via LocalStorage before moving forward. Both are new to me! Also not been feeling too hot lately, but slowly chugging along with this.
I also included the #Elm time-traveling debugger so people could poke at it and see how the program changes over time.
#MastoClient #ProjectMonday #mastomonday #elm
I wonder if we'll ever see some basic formatting and markup options for Mastodon posts? Posts are just HTML content, as I've found out working on my #MastoClient, so it's not a stretch.
I'd prefer it to people using the mathematical alphanumeric symbols Unicode block to do mock formatting; they don't get read by screen readers at all from what I can tell.
Hey #MastoDev, I'm trying to verify a cached Mastodon application registration for my #MastoClient, but not quite sure how to best go about that.
There's supposedly an API endpoint at /api/v1/apps/verify_credentials to verify your app works, but it doesn't seem like that's what I want. Should I try to obtain a token at /oauth/token and immediately revoke it? Is there a better way?
I'm new to #OAuth and my flow uses codes from /oauth/authorize, not tokens; it seemed like codes were preferable.
@david I don't have any BNC connectors to test it with quiiite yet. Which is fine because I've been working on my #MastoClient this evening instead!
Thinking about an OG Metro-inspired design for #MastoClient's UI because I still really love it! I was reminiscing over Zunes with someone late last night.
In pre-reg and I wish I could work more on #MastoClient while I wait in this slow line 😢
Puppy's first OAuth 2.0 code get! Now if you don't mind, I'm going to shower and sleep now before I decide to rework my data structure because it's almost 2:30 AM. z.z
blurhash, blurhashhhhh, makin' me a custom element for some blurhash #Elm #MastoClient