Cherry tomato galette (Chef John recipe)
Sourdough peach focaccia
Well, yeast water instead of actual sourdough starter, but it's still wild yeast and has the same result.
#notsourdough #bread #dessert #food #foodpics #MastoEats
Lemon meringue pie (Joy of Cooking recipe), fresh from the oven.
#food #foodpics #dessert #MastoEats
Also first bread of the year, in fact first since I got sick with flu a couple of days before Xmas. Feels good to be getting back to these tasks.
Wild how flat the bottom turned out though, I'm not used to that.
#bread #breadposting #food #foodpics #MastoEats
As proof that I'm finally feeling better, although the cough from this flu *really* drags on, I baked cookies.
Only a small batch, 11 cookies total, but that's perfect for just the two of us (we can make it if we try). Two things I did special that I really need to always do though:
1. Browned butter instead of just melted.
2. Substitute about 1/3 of the flour by weight with rye.
Excellent results.
#food #foodpics #MastoEats #dessert
Since I finally felt well enough to cook, I thought I'd ease back into it with something simple....burgers and fries, maybe.
So here's hamburger patties with a homemade stock and wine reduction based on a Julia Child recipe and roasted potatoes from scratch.
Y'know, I like where this thing is headed.
Roast potatoes
Had a bunch of these large, soft, sweet apples, and I really needed to use them up, Therefore: Applesauce!
Tossed as many as would fit in the crock pot with some brown sugar, a little cider vinegar, a splash of cold brewed tea because why not, cinnamon sticks, ground ginger and some freshly grated nutmeg.
Smelled SO GOOD!
#food #foodpics #dessert #MastoEats
Shepherd's pie, from a recipe I haven't tried before. My usual go-to method is way too basic.
Turned out really well, but two things that need work. First, the gravy needs to be a little thicker.
Second, so do the potatoes. I made them too goopy. Taste-wise, turned out fantastic though.
You gotta give the people what they want, here in the land of Mastodons.
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#bread #breadposting #food #foodpics #MastoEats