We're on the Web. So... it feels kinda fig leafy at best.
I can't build the technical side, but I can and will promote the social side, from which comes the subscription money to make it all happen.
#Mastodon #MastodonDesign #MastodonInstance #MastodonServer #SocialMedia #MastodonFuture #MastodonFailureModes
#mastodon #mastodondesign #MastodonInstance #mastodonserver #socialmedia #MastodonFuture #mastodonfailuremodes
@mosheeshel @atomicpoet @blaine
Vigilance is needed. I am skeptical that open source will lose out in terms of QoL to a corporate newcomer _that isn't already dominant in the field_.
If Meta goes that route, they'll target large institutions with their app which have ready userbases and a (perceived) lack of in-house know-how.
So the key weaknesses are:
Single developer pace of app
Lack of reach to organisations
#MastodonFuture #mastodondesign
Huh, I do not appear to be following a person with such unusual good sense.
How remiss of me.
#MastodonFuture #mastodondesign #mastodonui #mastodonux
People with firm views on governance and the ins and outs of Mastodon then follow:
Old Mastodon hand and experienced harassment dealer @Are0h is working on interesting anti-harassment tools.
Well-established critics range from fairly firmly anti-mastodon @shengokai to the more invested @futurebird
#FediblockMeta (h/t @ArtistMarciaX )
#mastodondesign #MastodonFuture #mastodonsafetytools #mastodonserver #fediblockmeta
An _opt-in_ functionality for a search? Love it.
#MastodonSearch #MastodonDesign #MastodonFuture #MastodonServer #Moderation
#MastodonSearch #mastodondesign #MastodonFuture #mastodonserver #moderation
1. Networks matter. The bigger your network the better it is at getting stuff done. Without the welcoming nature of Mastodon.ie I would not be here.
2. Delighting in Mastodon being irrelevant and hard to use is a privileged take. Never delight in bad design.
Fascism is a real threat. It in turn is threatened by people being able to talk to each other across nations and boundaries. That's why Musk had _backers_ for his money bonfire.
3. Don't delight in bad design
#Mastodon #MastodonFuture
@SrRochardBunson @benda @geekpete
Hmm. Also relevant right now for countries with current active political suppression. Future proofing.
#MastodonFuture #MastodonServer #MastodonDesign #AntiFascism #Infosec #MastodonInfosec #WhiteHat
#MastodonFuture #mastodonserver #mastodondesign #antifascism #infosec #MastodonInfosec #whitehat
Creating new safety tools which, if I understand correctly will help first time admins run safer servers? Hoping to migrate to full time developer?
Sounds like a great plan!
#MastodonServer #MastodonSafetyTools #MastodonFuture #MastodonDesign
#mastodonserver #mastodonsafetytools #MastodonFuture #mastodondesign
Interesting stuff.
I've seen people talking about Google zerg rushing the fedi by giving everyone with a Gmail account free Mastodon (although Gmail is costing them a _lot_ of money).
Twitter founders looking to recreate Twitter using Mastodon, by say, building in QTs and a slick interface and better onboarding would be a challenge.
#mastodonfailuremodes #MastodonFuture #mastodon #missedquotepost
Curating as:
#DanGillmor #twittermigration #journalists #TwitterBan #DCTransitSuspended
#dangillmor #twittermigration #journalists #twitterban #dctransitsuspended #MastodonFuture
I like your tags but I think that the audience is actually a bit wider. Great article though.
#TwitterMigration #TwitterBan #Censorship #TaylorLorenz #ChadLoder #TechDirt #MastodonFuture #Mastodon
#twittermigration #twitterban #censorship #taylorlorenz #chadloder #techdirt #MastodonFuture #mastodon
Thankyou very much for this thoughtful and nuanced analysis of the studies around QT and QT behaviour.
I think it is relevant to discussions of:
So err.. wow, you're doing a lot there! Good job!
If this is annoying LMK and I'll delete.
#mastodondesign #mastodonserver #mastodonquotetoot #mastodonquotetweet #missedquotetoot #missedquotetweet #MastodonFuture #mastodonfailuremodes #quotetweet #harassment #antifascist #dontspreadhate #dontspreadnazipropaganda
@RDBinns "(then) richest guy in the world." *cackles* #schadenfreude
Commentary aside: if you don't mind me shouting this out, LMK if you do and I'll delete.
#schadenfreude #mastodon #mastodonserver #MastodonFuture #fediverse #walledgardens
@Tupp_ed Good thread. Pretty important.
Curation to help find it:
Oof. That's what I got right now. Good thread indeed!
#mastodon #mastodonserver #moderationIsWork #mastodaoine #mastodonie #noads #noads4life #brands #twittermigration #MastodonFuture
@bleary2k I'm going to whack #MastodonFuture here because I like a good prediction me. 😀
@jensimmons this seems even more relevant given the #TwitterBan
Maybe it's #MastodonFuture ? 😀
@JessTheUnstill I think this post is good and would like to add additional curation. I can delete if annoying.
#MastodonFailureModes #MastodonServer #Moderation #moderationIsWork #TwitterMigration #MastodonFuture #MastodonDesign #AntiFascism
#mastodonfailuremodes #mastodonserver #moderation #moderationIsWork #twittermigration #MastodonFuture #mastodondesign #antifascism
@futurebird I hope you don't mind me curating this with # . If you do, say and I'll delete!
#Mastodon #MastodonDesign #MastodonFuture #SocialMedia #ModerationIsWork #decentralized #AntiMonopoly #AntiFascist
Seem like probably the best ones to me for direct and implicit searches.
#mastodon #mastodondesign #MastodonFuture #socialmedia #moderationIsWork #decentralized #antimonopoly #antifascist #mastodonfailuremodes
#introduction part II Research Interests
WARNING: I may edit this post as I calibrate and adjust to #Mastodon. Therefore reply elsewhere.
I'm currently interested in:
the future of Mastodon
Ways Mastodon might break and prevention
How to support:
#moderation because #moderationIsWork
#MastodonCosts which should include server costs, moderation costs and moderation support (therapy) costs.
Also I'm white but support #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter
#introduction #mastodon #MastodonFuture #mastodonfailuremodes #moderation #moderationIsWork #mastodoncosts #blackmastodon #blacktwitter