Can instances silence a user you follow? So in effect, prevent you from seeing their posts? #mastodon #mastodoninstance
@chrisamaphone well the one's I'd use to let people know about this are:
I'm assuming that you mean MicroBlogFedi and not solely admins for the Mastodon software, in which case its good to use the right terms to avoid irritating those admins. Could be wrong!
#mastodonadmin #mastoadmin #mastodonserver #MastodonInstance #fediadmin #fediserver #fediinstance #mastoserver #mastoinstance
I personally would use #mastoadmin #MastodonServer #MastodonInstance and #Librarians but as this conversation is marked unlisted, they won't be seen by others.
My thinking is that those are the # followed by people who run servers who tend to know each other and of course may include said librarians.
#mastoadmin #mastodonserver #MastodonInstance #librarians
@Curator @aurynn @tyrannosaurusgirl
Juuuust gonna whack #MastodonAdmin #MastodonServer #MastodonInstance here.
Not just because I want a frog anna shrimp anna dinosaur. Nope. Public good this.
#mastodonadmin #mastodonserver #MastodonInstance
This Fetch and API access is a bit beyond me but I bet people following #MastodonServer #MastodonInstance #mastodonAdministration #MastodonAdmin #MastoAdminTip and #MastoAdmin
Might like it. Thanks for writing it up!
#mastodonserver #MastodonInstance #mastodonAdministration #mastodonadmin #MastoAdminTip #mastoadmin
@anildash... I personally pushed for my employer to make a big investment in enabling the fediverse... I'd love for everyone to show that the support is appreciated. On June 28... a (FREE!) hands-on conversation about how the Fastly... support(ed) @Mastodon while the service was under a *massive* DDOS attack. Everyone who cares about scaling the fediverse should join: @devs
#MastodonServer #MastodonInstance #MastodonAdmin #MastodonDesign
#mastodonserver #MastodonInstance #mastodonadmin #mastodondesign
We're on the Web. So... it feels kinda fig leafy at best.
I can't build the technical side, but I can and will promote the social side, from which comes the subscription money to make it all happen.
#Mastodon #MastodonDesign #MastodonInstance #MastodonServer #SocialMedia #MastodonFuture #MastodonFailureModes
#mastodon #mastodondesign #MastodonInstance #mastodonserver #socialmedia #MastodonFuture #mastodonfailuremodes
Thankyou for the education about shutting a Mastodon server down.
Seems very resource inefficient that you have to do it that way.
#mastodondesign #mastodonserver #MastodonInstance
I regret to inform you you have a typo in your tags. Please allow me to suggest others which may help your search for information.
#Mastodon #MastodonCosts #MastodonServer #MastodonInstance
#mastodon #mastodoncosts #mastodonserver #MastodonInstance #mastodoninstanceadmins
Hot takes from a Mastodon user who should know better. Thanks for taking the time to debunk what even I, a non tech person, can spot is obvious bunkum for the reasons you lay out. Good information on server costs and design in there.
#MastodonDesign #MastodonServer #MastodonInstance #MastodonRunningCosts
#mastodondesign #mastodonserver #MastodonInstance #mastodonrunningcosts
I fear you have misjudged the conversation somewhat. This person is joining a TTRPG server to geek out about stuff.
A fellow geek, I'm welcoming them and giving them links to the speed briefing I wish I had.
We are not server admins. Try cruising #MastodonServer or #MastodonInstance and singing the virtues of forks there. 😀
Ya gotta persuade the GMs to run games before people can play them. 😀
#mastodonserver #MastodonInstance
Maybe #MastodonServer #MastodonAdmin #MastodonInstance will help get you answers to these questions? :-?
#mastodonserver #mastodonadmin #MastodonInstance
Possibly #MastodonServer and #MastodonInstance as well..?
#mastodonserver #MastodonInstance
Huh... some people are just looking for an excuse after biting off more than they can chew.
I wouldn't run a server because I have neither the technical know how nor the money. Also the self-knowledge that I get easily dis... ooh! A butterfly!
#MastodonServer #MastodonFailureModes #MastodonInstance #moderationIsWork
#mastodonserver #mastodonfailuremodes #MastodonInstance #moderationIsWork
May I suggest adding #MastodonServer and #MastodonInstance to your list? There's a lot of talk about prices there too. 😀
#mastodonserver #MastodonInstance
Ha gotta give credit to #medium with using as their mastodon, very creative #MastodonInstance
Very public spirited! I think a lot of donations go to "Mastodon" that end up with the dev team and really they should go to servers because server admins don't ask for the running costs.
#mastodonserver #MastodonInstance #mastodonservercovenant #mastodonservercosts #mastodon
I am told that the creators of # Fediblock favour #FediblockMeta for discussions of the # so hopefully this will reach people who need to see it.
#fediblockmeta #mastodonserver #MastodonInstance #moderation
Interesting to learn about another #MastodonInstance.
"server stats":
"active users"
Can rule number 2 be shortened to:
"Always listen to the admin"?
Actually your reach can still be big regardless of where you are from. ie. I can talk to you now from #NeurodifferentMe to your instance #DeepthotOrg.
Anyway regarding topics, are your users free to talk about #Neurodiversity on your Mastodon Instance?
NeurodifferentMe is like my "base of operations"(#BaseOfOperations) when it comes to #Neurodiversity and #Neurodivergence
#MastodonInstance #neurodifferentme #deepthotorg #neurodiversity #baseofoperations #neurodivergence