Still getting used to Mastodon. Also still visiting the bird to check on some favorite bird users’ tweets. Getting followers here on M but following back only if I can see something about whom they or you are. Adding new followers myself when I have time to look around. I think in the long run this will grow & be really great! Happy Sunday out there! #MastodonNewbies #mastodonnewbie
#MastodonNewbies #mastodonnewbie
There are tools that help you locate your Twitter people on Mastodon. Lots of articles on's one below (haven't used any yet).
The more you follow hashtags, and the more you boost posts that match your interests, the software has an easier time populating your home feed with people you will be interested in.
Truthfully, I've enjoyed mostly finding people I never knew about on Twitter
#mastodonforbeginners #mastodonmigration #MastodonNewbies
Also, if you see a hashtag in someone's post, you can click on the hashtag, and it shows you the current feed for that hashtag, and at that point, you can "Follow" the hashtag with the follow icon can use "Explore" feature and just hunt for hashtags.....
#mastodonmigration #MastodonNewbies #mastodonforbeginners
I use the Safari interface on my iPad, and it's great! Can follow hashtags on it, which is Major Advantage
#HowtoMastodon #MastodonNewbies
Wie wäre es auf einer Seite nebeneinander die gleiche Seite, einmal mit Hashtags und einmal ohne darzustellen und zu Beschreiben wie sich dies jeweils auswirkt?
Genug Hashtags soweit?
Beg for Pardon, ich bin ein #ITFossil und ebenfalls neu hier. Aufgewachsen mit #Listmail in #EARN, #BitNet und #Arpanet. Bitte um Nachsicht, auch mit den vielen anderen #MastodonNewbies
#HashtagsInPosts #ProUndKontraHashtags #MastodonFürDummies #IchWillAufmerksamkeit #IchWill0Aufmerksamkeit #ITFossil #Listmail #EARN #BitNet #arpanet #MastodonNewbies