To any other #MastodonAdmin and #MastodonOwner who might need this info:
If you use `n` to manage your #NodeJS version, the default #Mastodon streaming #systemd config uses `/usr/bin/node`, which will be your system’s node package. Change that to `/usr/bin/env node` to use the one from n.
The file is “/etc/systemd/system/mastodon-streaming.service”.
Hope this helps. #mastodonserver #devops #mastodonstreaming #mastodonerror
#MastodonAdmin #MastodonOwner #nodejs #mastodon #systemd #mastodonserver #devops #mastodonstreaming #mastodonerror
Just to share the #statistics from the last 24 hours here on -
We've continued to see a fairly large growth despite issues with e-mail delivery, traffic has increased by around 1 million requests compared to yesterday.
Thanks to you all for your ongoing support and understanding while we've been trying to keep up.
#statistics #mastodon #MastodonOwner #technology #cloudflare