@ianbetteridge You're looking at it the wrong way. It's more like, "Holy shit, I can't believe you knit me a sweater. Who even knows how to do that? Thanks, Mom."
@Lowie @TorMentor @pivoinebleue
This place is the best. You can come and go as you like and it only takes a bit and your right back up to speed on whats going on..
@AlexDavenport4 You made it to Mastodon from the mad house! Welcome! It’s very much like social media before social media became social media, if you know what I mean. 😄
You just need The Hooverman on board now and we can go old school. 😎 #mastodonrules #mastomigration #welcome #introduction
#MastodonRules #mastomigration #welcome #introduction
And just like that, the post becomes utterly redundant!
Sometimes I feel like deliberately tooting with a typo just so I can experience the pleasure of coming back to correct it. #MastodonRules
@mrvapor Thank you for the reminder. This is such a great community. I’m slowly getting the hang of it. This is so much better than the toxic bird site! #MastodonRules
Lovers of #strangerthings and #upsidedown, who are also residents of #metalheadclub instance can now be :damnified: instead of :verified:!
Let the battle begin
*cues Master of Puppets*
#MastodonRules #funny #metalheadclub #upsidedown #strangerthings
@janboehm "Der Twitter-Account des ZDF-Magazins ist eine unabhängige Institution und möchte in Zukunft mit dem ZDF Magazin Royale nicht in Verbindung gebracht werden“ #mastodonrules
@papabjoern@mastodonten.de @datenteiler danke euch beiden, werde ich mal probieren ;D