Corrigé : #ScienceMastodon pas #MastodonScience
Moi perso je suis avec les biophysiciens (avec un autre compte)
#ScienceMastodon #MastodonScience
@pmeyfroidt I received it and decided to reply to increase representation of #MastodonScience in the replies. Also noticed the journalist advertises his Mastodon handle on Twitter (although it's inactive for now).
There seems to be a rather widely shared feeling that lack of URL search is a limitation for #MastodonScience
Nice that @genomeresearch highlights its #MastodonScience account on its homepage https://genome.cshlp.org/
My first conference recognition for #MastodonScience live posting 😁 :mastoblush: #biocuration2023
#MastodonScience #biocuration2023
Welcome @pombase to #MastodonScience #biocuration #bioinformatics #yeast
#MastodonScience #biocuration #bioinformatics #yeast
Tomorrow night (March 3), @LandesChristy shows off her group's work on imaging protein dynamics at nanoscale interfaces! 10:30 PM EST at twitch.tv/open_science!
#protein #scicomm #STEM #chemtwitter #biotwitter #biology #imaging #openscience #ScienceMastodon #chemistrymastodon #biologymastodon #superresolution #microscopy #mastodonscience
#MastodonScience #microscopy #SuperResolution #biologymastodon #chemistrymastodon #ScienceMastodon #OpenScience #imaging #biology #biotwitter #chemtwitter #stem #scicomm #protein
Mastodon: a move to publicly owned scholarly knowledge
#scientists https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00486-3
#science #MastodonScience #scientists
Hi #MastodonScience! How were your experiences with #PLOSOne? Thinking of submitting a paper there...
It's that time again! I'm looking for researchers to present their work on my livestream! Pretty much any research topic is appropriate, so reach out. Friendly community, great place to practice! DM or email me (see bio for webpage).
Boosts appreciated :)
#chemistrymastodon #openscience #STEM #mastodonscience #science #scicomm #ScienceMastodon #livestream #Twitch
#twitch #livestream #ScienceMastodon #scicomm #science #MastodonScience #stem #OpenScience #chemistrymastodon
In November I felt that the migration of scientists to #MastodonScience was working. Now I'm not so sure. Things seem very calm since the start of 2023, and news or posts which would have been hotly discussed in the olden days of #TwitterScience create barely a ripple. 🙁
#MastodonScience #twitterscience
Au sommaire :
Isotopes stables et chaînes alimentaires
Phytoplancton, sardines et raréfaction des oméga-3
L’arche, un coquillage témoin du temps
Éponges, substances bioactives et médicaments de demain
Échographie de la colonne d’eau
Bonne lecture et bons films !
#marinescience #ocean #MastodonScience
And #ThickTrunkTuesday tomorrow
And of course #CatsOfMastodon
Or for more serious content
#MastodonScience #MastoScience #ScienceMastodon
#ThickTrunkTuesday #catsofmastodon #MastodonScience #mastoScience #ScienceMastodon
Welcome @mpi_grav - it is not just journalists making #mastodonmigration we can build strong #mastodonenergy #MastodonScience & #MastodonClimate communities
#mastodonmigration #mastodonenergy #MastodonScience #MastodonClimate
Let’s try a first #Mastodonscience paper advertisement. https://gut.bmj.com/content/early/2022/11/25/gutjnl-2022-328684
When I started cross posting from Mastodon to Twitter, I had most reactions on Twitter. This week it's been clearly the opposite, in terms of likes, boosts, and replies. It looks like this migration is actually working, at least for my corner of the academic and scientific world. #MastodonScience
⬆️ Heather Harrington's talk is happening in 2 hours. One more hour left to sign up for the zoom link! #mathstodon #mastodonscience #datascience #networks #networkscience #ml #womeninmath #womeninstem #mathcalendar #sciencecalendar
#sciencecalendar #mathcalendar #womeninstem #womeninmath #ml #networkscience #networks #datascience #MastodonScience #mathstodon
@wolfgangcramer Obviously a "good question"!
Who knows how many #MastodonInstances are physically on the #AfricanContinent? @estebanmoro may know?
Support for #MastodonInAfrica would help a lot for global #MastodonScience!
#MastodonScience #MastodonInAfrica #AfricanContinent #mastodoninstances