Hola #mastodoners #informáticos: ¿alguna alternativa buena a #Adobe #Acrobat 3Pro en #opensource a parte del #LibreOffice con el que no me llevo demasiado bien? Quiero poder utilizar Adobe escribiendo en él con un poquito más de opciones que las que da el programa, con más fuentes, más tamaños...
#Mastodoners #informaticos #adobe #acrobat #opensource #LibreOffice
What the hell? I am guessing the average age of a Mastodon'r is in the 50's?
How did this happen??
Hello #mastodoners.
Is there a # for TINY #StreetArt, the one at skirtingboard level? I'm a sucker for that. Tx.
Tackling today’s #depression and #anxiety by making some homemade beef and broccoli. Wish me luck #mastodoners
#depression #anxiety #Mastodoners
Hello #mastodoners.
Is there a # for TINY #street_art, the one at skirtingboard level? I'm a sucker for that. Tx.
G'night Mastodon. You were good!
#mastodon #Mastodoners #goodnightsweetheart
#mastodon #Mastodoners #goodnightsweetheart
So, #Mastodoners… What’s on your Musical Menu for today?
I’m currently listening to #Strauss’s “Die Schweigsame Frau”… with a phenomenal Wunderlich as Henry Morosus! His voice was truly amazing!
#Opera #Sunday
#Sunday @classicalmusic
#Mastodoners #Strauss #opera #sunday
Good Morning #Mastodoners! Still trying to figure out this App, but so far it’s been interesting and fun.
#twitter podría cerrar. Ha entrado en una grave crisis de operación. Todos a #mastodon ok? #mexico #Mastodoners
#twitter #mastodon #mexico #Mastodoners
Hey #Mastodoners! What is your favorite open source projects?
Comment down below :pikachuroll: