If you're on the mas.to instance, please consider giving our administrator @trumpet a cup Ko-fi/donut 🍩! He's been superb with the instance since I've joined in September. Thanks!
#mastodonadministrator #Mastodoninstance #Fediverse
También pueden aumentar las publicaciones eso ayuda mucho, si aumenta las publicaciónes, más personas la ven, por lo que más personas tendran más publicaciones en su feed. Aquí todo es manual, todos trabajamos juntos para crear divertidas comunidades digitales. Publica, impulsa, sigue y sigue, sé generoso con el uso de hashtags y sigue tantos hashtags como quieras. Hay tanto que ver aquí, solo tienes que mirar!
#mastodoninstance #nfsw #LibresToits
#librestoits #nfsw #Mastodoninstance
Not gonna lie, I'm still quite excited about the #Tumblr #mastodon implementation. Is it going to be a #mastodoninstance or will it just enable replying from the #fedi? I hope it's an #instance. Doubt it will be, but I'm hoping so.
#instance #fedi #Mastodoninstance #Mastodon #tumblr
Ugh. I’ve been sitting on an awesome domain for 15 years or so and I feel like using it for a #mastodoninstance might be the way to go.
I almost rolled my own #MastodonInstance for a hot second there. I'm glad I didn't.
Mas.to is pretty solid, now. And I don't have to worry about opening another portal for hackers to squirm into my NAS. Nice job, @trumpet !
Looks like there are some pretty chonkin' system requirements to run a #MastodonInstance for just myself (2GB of free RAM). At least then, I'd only have myself to blame if the site craters all day on a Saturday.
All the more reason to upgrade my #NAS if this site truly does end up superceding the bird.
@nirak I've been trying to get my Mastodon instance setup for a few days now (been working on it between other projects) and today I got as far as the mastodon error page.
At this point I'm not sure if the problem is my config file, postgresql setup, or something else.
Tomorrow I'm going to delete the postgresql cluster and rebuild it.
If anyone has a good, working mastodon config file to share, please do.
#ubuntu #postgresql #mastodonconfig #mastodonAdministration #Mastodoninstance
Is there an instance based out of the Tri-state area, NY/NYC/NJ ?
#mastodon #Mastodoninstance #instance #nyc #newjersey #newyork
#newyork #newjersey #nyc #instance #Mastodoninstance #Mastodon