Eerie winter morning light serves perfect conditions for vine with arboreal aspirations. #MastoTrees
More #MastoTrees
An ornamental Japanese Maple (acer palmatum) sporting an enticing orange in my neighborhood.
The German Poet Marion Poschmann made me look at fall colors anew. I've always been a fan, but her essay "Laubwerk" on the poetics of city trees in which she talks about how we look at trees and what makes them difficult and so worthy of writing about, not only made me look closer but had a big part in starting my research on #MakingKinWithTrees
#Mastotrees #MakingKinWithTrees
Here we go. I love #Mosstodon and to make this a proper forest, I want #MastoTrees to become a thing, too. I'll try to remember to post it together with #MakingKinwithTrees
Here's my old neighbor the hugging oak. Makes me happy everytime I meet them. Do you have favorite #trees in your neighborhood?
#Mosstodon #Mastotrees #MakingKinWithTrees #trees
@Buchmoewe @sinnundverstand
#mosstodon ist eh der weltbeste Hashtag. Solte #Mastotrees und #ferntodon anfangen ;)
#Mosstodon #Mastotrees #ferntodon