@zeitiger @dnddeutsch @Steam_Tinkerer
Hmmm...guter Punkt. Zählen actual plays wie #CriticalRole zu "Produkten", die unter die #OGL fallen? Instinktiv würde ich " Nein" sagen, aber was weiß ich schon. Bin ja kein Anwalt.
Könnte mir aber eh vorstellen, #MatMercer und Co. haben schon eine gesonderte Abmachung mit Wotc.
#CriticalRole Episode 39.
#MatMercer as Pâté de Rolo is totally killing me! This is SO good.
This whole 'resurrect Laudna' arc is a piece of #DungeonMaster art, pure brilliance by #MatMercer
Think about it: the PCs have access to some #VoxMachina folks, several of the most powerful and influential people in the known world. But it's not "Sure, we'll do you that favor" - *snaps fingers* - Laudna's back
Mat turns this into 3 intense episodes, and EVERYthing hinges on the PCs' actions and success. Player agency ALL the way to the core. Love it
#voxmachina #MatMercer #dungeonmaster
Good grief, the intensity.
The first half, until they meet Otahan, is SOOOOO well done. #MatMercer 's performance should be burned on DVDs and stuck to the back of every #DMGuide for every #pnp #roleplay #rpg from now until eternity. Masterclass in pacing, story, improvisation, engagement. Perfect.
The fight afterwards reminds me of several bad experiences as a player, when I felt like we had near enough to no agency.
Still, great, intense, entertaining.
#rpg #roleplay #pnp #DMGuide #MatMercer
Grade dabei, #CriticalRole Campaign 2 nachzuholen. Erschreckend, dass selbst #MatMercer in e54 'Detect Gold and Evil' falsch interpretiert. Sicher absolut der Zauber (oder Begriff) in der ganzen #5e mit der am schlimmsten irreführenden Bezeichnung. Fey, Fiends, Untote, Elementare, Celestials, all das und mehr kann man damit entdecken, aber keinerlei Gesinnung oder Präsenz des Bösen ...
Grummel ...
#pnpde #dnd
#dnd #pnpde #5e #MatMercer #criticalrole