What's at stake in Poland's fall election?
#Poland #parliamentaryelection #LawandJustice(PiS) #CivicPlatform(PO) #Confederation #AndrzejDuda #MateuszMorawiecki #DonaldTusk #JaroslawKaczynski
#jaroslawkaczynski #donaldtusk #MateuszMorawiecki #andrzejduda #confederation #civicplatform #lawandjustice #parliamentaryelection #Poland
At EU summit, Poland and Hungary reopen row over EU migration reform https://www.euractiv.com/section/migration/news/at-eu-summit-poland-and-hungary-reopen-row-over-eu-migration-reform/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #EUmigrationpact #EUCO #MarkRutte #MateuszMorawiecki
#eumigrationpact #EUCO #MarkRutte #MateuszMorawiecki
Intel launches ‘largest investment in Polish history’ https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/intel-launches-largest-investment-in-polish-history/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #chips #Intel #KeywanEsfarjani #LowerSilesia #MateuszMorawiecki
#chips #intel #keywanesfarjani #lowersilesia #MateuszMorawiecki
Intel launches ‘largest investment in Polish history’ https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/intel-launches-largest-investment-in-polish-history/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #chips #Intel #KeywanEsfarjani #LowerSilesia #MateuszMorawiecki
#chips #intel #keywanesfarjani #lowersilesia #MateuszMorawiecki
PM #MateuszMorawiecki said #Poland won't immediately give #Ukraine #F16fighterjets
#MateuszMorawiecki #poland #ukraine #F16fighterjets
Poland: John Paul II abuse cover-up claims divide a nation
#PopeJohnPaulII #CatholicChurch #Poland #childsexualabuse #KarolWojtyla #LawandJusticeparty(PiS) #MateuszMorawiecki
#MateuszMorawiecki #LawandJusticeParty #karolwojtyla #childsexualabuse #Poland #catholicchurch #popejohnpaulii
#FunduszeEuropejskie na lata 2021-2027 już płyną do Polski.Pierwsze 5 mld jest już na koncie. Na Zamku Królewskim konferencja z udziałem Komisarz ds ds. spójności i reform #ElisaFerreira i komisarz ds. miejsc pracy #NicolasSchmit
Brawo Rząd #PiS, Brawo Premier #MateuszMorawiecki
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IzabelaKloc/status/1623300162134151169
#FunduszeEuropejskie #ElisaFerreira #NicolasSchmit #PiS #MateuszMorawiecki
In questo articolo abbiamo già parlato delle intenzioni della Polonia di invadere l’Ucraina. In particolare il Nord-Ovest, che già in passato faceva parte della Polonia.
A fomentare le velleità espansionistiche dei polacchi, manco a dirlo, gli Stati Uniti. Segnali erano già giunti a metà 2022, q...
#23Dicembre #esteri #cronaca #leopoli #MateuszMorawiecki
#MateuszMorawiecki #Leopoli #cronaca #esteri #23dicembre
#Poland intends to deploy new #K2 tanks on the border with #Kaliningrad (RF), Prime Minister #MateuszMorawiecki said.
"All of #Russia's neighbors are aware of the threat posed by this neighborhood. We want to have such a strong army that no one would think of attacking Poland."
#Russia #MateuszMorawiecki #Kaliningrad #k2 #poland
2/2 „Morze to dla Polski kwestia nie tylko rozwoju gospodarki - to również kwestia suwerenności. Nasza siła przemysłowa i bezpieczeństwo są tym mocniejsze, im bardziej rozwinięty jest polski przemysł morski i stoczniowy.” – powiedział podczas konwentu Premier #MateuszMorawiecki
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AnnaFotyga_PE/status/1599841633159159808
🇺🇦🇵🇱 Polish Prime Minister #MateuszMorawiecki came to #Kyiv for a visit.
He has already honored the memory of the #Holodomor victims at the memorial sign on #Mykhailivska Square.
#mykhailivska #holodomor #kyiv #MateuszMorawiecki
In #Poland, they do not yet know where the rocket that fell in #Przewodów was launched from, - Polish Prime Minister #MateuszMorawiecki.
The data collected by the investigation in the case of the explosion of the rocket do not allow to establish with certainty where it was launched from.
He added that the investigation has "evidence from border guards' cameras, but they do not show with 100% certainty where the rocket was fired from."
#MateuszMorawiecki #przewodow #poland
Z marszałkiem parlamentu Ukrainy Ruslan Stefanchuk po jego wystąpieniu w Parlamencie Europejskim🇵🇱🇺🇦
#JarosławKaczyński #MateuszMorawiecki #AndrzejDuda
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ZbigniewKuzmiuk/status/1534480867694895104
#JarosławKaczyński #MateuszMorawiecki #AndrzejDuda
“Il giornalismo libero sta lentamente morendo in Polonia” https://www.articolo21.org/2021/02/il-giornalismo-libero-sta-lentamente-morendo-in-polonia/ #MediaFreedomRapidReponse #MateuszMorawiecki #GazetaWyborcza #Morawiecki #Articoli #Polonia #Esteri
#esteri #polonia #articoli #Morawiecki #GazetaWyborcza #MateuszMorawiecki #MediaFreedomRapidReponse