Jim McLaughlin · @jimmcl61
3 followers · 5 posts · Server mastodon.wellperns.com
GrahamRKings · @GrahamRKings
247 followers · 300 posts · Server toot.community



It was suggesting that, where the starts, 's work is already done [Über die Deutlichkeit der Grundsätze... §1...]

Of course in a formal system, say , is simply the strictest equivalence relation, the unit classes of the domain being its equivalence classes. And yes, this is really elementary stuff, high school level, if you like. And no, that's not, why at least since (and in a sense since ), and more recently made a case for it.

Typically math philosophical issues with identity from my point of view do include the question of indiscernibles, the sense of an identity statement wrt. redundance, the relation status of identity, ... open list

#kant #philosophy #Mathematician #philosopher #FOL #identity #philosophers #leibniz #Parmenides #Frege

Last updated 2 years ago

Andy F · @shork
102 followers · 893 posts · Server toot.community

I never posted an (how rude!)
So here goes...

Educated as a and became a professionally
Started as a in and ++ and have progressed to and for algorithmic and backend use, which is what I enjoy the most. I use and to do web development when I need to.

My programming passion lies in writing small and

My personal passions are , , and strength training.

#introduction #Mathematician #softwareengineer #programmer #c #csharp #python #AspDotNet #javascript #games #Visualisations #dogs #movies

Last updated 2 years ago