A friend on Facebook shared this and it's so, so good. It's Rob Zombie's Dragula set to a video from the movie version of Matilda the Musical. It just works.
#Dragula #RobZombie #Matilda #MatildaTheMusical #MashUp #Music
#Music #mashup #matildathemusical #Matilda #robzombie #dragula
Trying to be a better student, so got a Readwise account so I can sync my notes to Notion. Apparently, I found this quote highlight worthy (from Matilda): ‘I’m afraid men are not always quite as clever as they think they are. You will learn that when you get a bit older, my girl.’ #Matilda #RoaldDahl #Readwise
Did #matilda use her powers to remove partly digested cake from Bruce Bogtrotter to give him a chance
Puffin Books kündigt unveränderte Neuauflage von Roald Dahl-Büchern an https://www.lesering.de/id/4909572/Puffin-Books-kundigt-unveranderte-Neuauflage-von-Roald-Dahl-Bucher-an/ #CharlieunddieSchokoladenfabrik #RoaldDahlClassicCollection #DerfantastischeMr.Fox #PuffinBooks #RoaldDahl #Debatte #Debatte #Matilda
#Matilda #debatte #roalddahl #puffinbooks #derfantastischemr #roalddahlclassiccollection #charlieunddieschokoladenfabrik
An excellent book about an inspiring woman. We are enabled to appreciate the magnitude of what #Matilda attempted. #CatherineHanley handles the biased sources with sensitivity and integrity. An enjoyable, thoughtful, and illuminating read.
A contract is a contract is a contract
#Matilda war als Kind einer meiner Lieblingsfilme. Ganz ehrlich, ich weiß nicht, wie oft ich ihn geschaut habe. Sehr oft jedenfalls. Umso glücklicher war ich, in Sydney Anfang 2016 auch das Musical sehen zu können. 😍
Tja, und da musste natürlich eine #MondayMug mit.
Habt einen guten Start in die neue Woche!
#KaffeefürdieMusen #mugs #tassensammler #tassenliebe #mugart #caffeinedaily #Motivtasse #MatildaMusical #MatildaMusicalSydney #RoaldDahl
#Matilda #mondaymug #kaffeefurdiemusen #mugs #tassensammler #tassenliebe #mugart #caffeinedaily #motivtasse #matildamusical #matildamusicalsydney #roalddahl
#Matilda che nemmeno avevo capito fosse un musical, pensavo di vedere una commedia alla Beethoven (il cane combina guai, non il compositore)... invece vi dirò, lo consiglio a chi può piacere una storia misto di La fabbrica di cioccolato e Harry Potter. Non dimenticate che è un musical, quindi non potete lamentarvi se cantano troppo! #recensionibrutte #netflix
#Matilda #recensionibrutte #netflix
Cinema Matilda: la recensione del nuovo film musical su Netflix Di Valeria Spinelli -
Condividi l'articolo E’ uscito su Netflix il giorno di Natale il secondo adattamento cinematografico del capolavoro di Roald Dahl “Matilde”, in una nuova e sfavillante versione musical che non teme il confronto...
#28Dicembre #Cinema #Recensione #Netflix #matilda
#Matilda #netflix #recensione #cinema #28dicembre
Gerade #Matilda (Das Musical) geguckt und mich prächtig amüsiert. Emma Thompson ist einfach großartig.
The new Matilda movie is perfect.
Not only is it basically an anti-fascist, rebellious, pro-education story for kids, the musical numbers are absolute bangers.
Christmas Day brings us Matilda: The Musical on Netflix *AND* Epic: The Musical on allegedly all music platforms. My musical theater nerd heart is an appropriate amount of somewhat stoked at this time. @antheabutfederated
#EpicTheMusical #EpicTheTroySaga #MatildaTheMusical #MusicalTheater #GreekMythology #Christmas2022 #DramaClubKid #TimMinchin #Matilda #Netflix #Broadway #TheOdyssey #jorgeherrans #TheaterNerd
#theaternerd #jorgeherrans #theodyssey #broadway #Netflix #Matilda #timminchin #dramaclubkid #christmas2022 #greekmythology #musicaltheater #matildathemusical #epicthetroysaga #epicthemusical
Saw the new #Matilda movie earlier: fabulously delightful with Tim Minchin’s wonderful songs still front and centre. A perfect uplift during these trying times :-)
Saw the new #Matilda movie earlier: fabulously delightful with Tim Minchin’s wonderful songs still front and centre. A perfect uplift during these trying times :-)
This match is OK and everything but I'm really looking forward to the main event today.
#Matilda the musical at the cinema. Bring it on.
My day.
08.30 help fix boiler.
09.30 empty car of stuff.
10.00 insert arm in pool of rancid water in drain to try and dislodge mini fat berg.
12.00 drive for 2.5 hours to pick up psychotic father in law. Who is stranded after writing off his car in a road rage incident.
15.00 drive back to drop him off
18.00 get home, eat
19.30 watch #Matilda the musical.
Laugh and smile with family😀 .
The day was salvaged
My day.
08.30 help fix boiler.
09.30 empty car of stuff.
10.00 insert arm in pool of rancid water in drain to try and dislodge mini fat berg.
12.00 drive for 2.5 hours to pick up psychotic father in law. Who is stranded after writing off his car ok n a road rage incident.
15.00 drive back to drop him off
18.00 get home, eat
19.30 watch #Matilda the musical.
Laugh and smile with family😀 .
The day was salvaged
Forget the world cup, it's only a week until #Matilda is out at the cinema.
Saw it at the theatre a couple of years back and it was incredible. Can't recommend it enough. See it
Matilda De Angelis, le critiche: i motivi | Gossip Blog #matilda #angelis #critiche #motivi #gossip #blog #17luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29zc2lwYmxvZy5pdC9wb3N0L21hdGlsZGEtZGUtYW5nZWxpcy1jcml0aWNoZQ==
#17luglio #blog #gossip #motivi #critiche #Angelis #Matilda