RT @HooklandGuide@twitter.com
The existence of the Wicker Kings within the folklore of Hookland may infer the presence of a Wicker Queens. - #MattAdams, 1981 #FolkloreThursday
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HooklandGuide/status/1646562313078439952
RT @HooklandGuide@twitter.com
I learnt an old bit of Hookland dialect this week that I'm a little obsessed by. Foris-mark means the point on the horizon where strangeness may be found; the possibility that over the hill is exactly where the border with Faery may be found. #MattAdams, 1981 #Hookland #WOTD
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HooklandGuide/status/1644748884680355841
RT @HooklandGuide@twitter.com
In the Islands of the Marsh – where flooding is a constant danger – the hill is currency. It's so rare to see one that isn't built upon that you have to ask why? The answer is almost always: "It's far too haunted. I'd rather take my chances with the next flood." – #MattAdams 1981
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HooklandGuide/status/1642253785551519744
RT @HooklandGuide@twitter.com
Hull has it white telephone boxes, so of course in a county independent to the point of bloody-mindedness, in a county so wilfully eccentric, of course Hookland has some grey postboxes. It's not even a surprise they are known by some as 'ghost boxes'. – #MattAdams, 1982
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HooklandGuide/status/1640649221958148097
RT @HooklandGuide@twitter.com
The bit of the forest known as Tiw's Camp is what Hooklanders call a 'Whispering Place'. Of course, being Hooklanders, they don't agree about what is whispering – the trees, the dead, old gods in council. There's no doubting though its thick with a sense of trespass. #MattAdams
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HooklandGuide/status/1636674086163062786
RT @HooklandGuide@twitter.com
Locals seem to have several names for the path: the Wicked Way; the Witch's Way: Old Mother Blood's Walk. The one that fascinates me most is the Track of a 100 Eyes. – #MattAdams, 1981
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HooklandGuide/status/1615403205155749910
RT @HooklandGuide
There is a type of person who spends their spare time trying to evade the military patrols on Blackford Down, trying to figure out why the army seized control of the Space Research Centre. I have become one of them. - #MattAdams, 1981