Woot! #MattParker usb stick finally arrived with the show on it. Always a fun and I never cared it was quite a long time to get it, makes it more of a surprise. :)
Is the #festivalofaspokennerd around in #mastodon ??
I would like to hear announcements about #apoud here :rubberduck:
#festivalofaspokennerd #mastodon #MattParker #helenarney #stevemould #apoud
@standupmaths I have learned from this video, that Matt Parker is on Mastodon!
Belated welcome good sir, and I hope to see you around a lot!
#MattParker - The Genius #Geometry of the #JamesWebb #SpaceTelescope
#StandUpMaths #Math #Maths #Mathematics #JWST #JamesWebbSpaceTelescope #Telescope #Astronomy #Engineering #SpaceEngineering #Mirror #Mirrors
#Mirrors #mirror #spaceengineering #engineering #astronomy #telescope #jameswebbspacetelescope #jwst #mathematics #maths #math #standupmaths #spacetelescope #jameswebb #geometry #MattParker
#MattParker is great because it appears he (sic) uses "they" pronouns for pretty much everyone, it seems. He (sic) just eliminates gender-coded pronouns as an issue, which ... doesn't adversely impact his (sic) content at all.
Is there an #equation for a #triangle?
#Maths #Math #Mathematics #Geometry #Equations #StandUpMaths #MattParker #RecreationalMath #RecreationalMaths
#recreationalmaths #recreationalmath #MattParker #standupmaths #equations #geometry #mathematics #math #maths #triangle #equation
An #infinite number of $1 bills and an infinite number of $20 bills would be worth the same
#StandUpMaths #Maths #Math #Mathematics #Infinity #Philosophy #PhilosophyOfMaths #PhilosophyOfMath #MattParker #Limmy
#limmy #MattParker #philosophyofmath #philosophyofmaths #philosophy #infinity #mathematics #math #maths #standupmaths #infinite
Why don't #Jigsaw #Puzzles have the correct number of pieces?
#Math #Maths #Mathematics #JigsawPuzzle #JigsawPuzzles #StandupMaths #MattParker
#MattParker #standupmaths #JigsawPuzzles #jigsawpuzzle #mathematics #maths #math #puzzles #jigsaw
« The Forgotten #Flexagon - #Numberphile »
However I can't find an #HexaHexaFlexagon that could fill the phantom spots as #MattParker claims in the extra-footage; patterns for some #HexaHexaFlexagons shown on http://flexagon.net are quite different.
#math #HexaHexaFlexagons #MattParker #HexaHexaFlexagon #numberphile #Flexagon