I/O/D (Matthew Fuller, Colin Green, Simon Pope): Web Stalker, 1997, browser art (photo from the monitor, August 2000). More informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art, chapter VI.3. Internet: http://iasl.uni-muenchen.de/links/GCA-VI.3e.html #MatthewFuller #colingreen #simonpope #thomasdreher #webstalker #browserart #netart #netartwork #digitalart #digitalartist #digitalartists #netartworks #netartprojects #netartists #webartist #WebArtists #computerart #computerartist #computerartists #computerartwork
#computerartwork #computerartists #computerartist #computerart #webartists #webartist #netartists #netartprojects #netartworks #digitalartists #digitalartist #DigitalArt #netartwork #netart #browserart #webstalker #thomasdreher #simonpope #colingreen #MatthewFuller
And also the #FeministMethodology specific to #InformationTechnology proposed by #SusanLeighStar based on #Whitehead’s “#MisplacedConcretism”
and #MatthewFuller's #Media #Ecologies which extends this thinking to consider #technical #standards as “a material instantiation” of Whitehead's proposal. Combining Fuller's recipe for critical media engagement and Leigh Star's feminist methods suggests what could be called a vernacular approach to teaching with computational tools.
#standards #technical #ecologies #media #MatthewFuller #MisplacedConcretism #Whitehead #susanleighstar #informationtechnology #FeministMethodology