amyfallon · @amyfallon
895 followers · 954 posts · Server

“I never even knew what a salad was til I saw one at Sarah’s house.” (Think she was about a teenager then). Maybe not a line you’d expect from ‘s memoir, but great listen. She is so interesting & so kind, love her so! Not even up to the part about ScoMo & Assange yet but already think it’s up there with . (Also some similarities - both interesting relationship with Canadian parents etc)Compare to whingefest of Harry, who couldn’t even write his dumb book himself!!!

#pamelaanderson #MatthewPerry

Last updated 2 years ago

Great Pop Culture Debate · @gpcd
739 followers · 1069 posts · Server

Inspirational Culture Club pick!

Proud Patreon Bernie “will be there for you!” Having finished Mathew Perry's book “Friends, Lovers, and The Big Terrible Thing.” What a story, glad to know he’s clean and sober.

#MatthewPerry #reading #podcast #popculture #memoir #books #book #friends #gpcdcultureclub

Last updated 2 years ago

amyfallon · @amyfallon
746 followers · 460 posts · Server

If you’ve not read this, it’s so good. Have it on and have listened to some chapters a few times. Took so much away from it, but esp some insight into . Confronting and sad but also honest, funny, inspiring, and beautifully written

#audible #addiction #books #audiobooks #MatthewPerry #goodreads #memoirs #life

Last updated 2 years ago

Jason Pettus :verified: · @jasonpettus
245 followers · 701 posts · Server

Read my ★★ review of Matthew Perry's "Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing," just the latest in an inexhaustible supply of Hollywood garbage-human bottoming-out memoirs, designed specifically to feed the unquenchable cycle of narcissism and low self-esteem that made that person human garbage in the first place.

#book #review #MatthewPerry #2stars #terrible #memoir #addiction #trainwreck #humangarbage #bottomingOut

Last updated 2 years ago

Parliamo di news! ☑️ · @parliamodinews
20 followers · 88270 posts · Server
Little Silver · @Fifthcoffee
3 followers · 157 posts · Server

Years later, my father, too, would take his own meaningful walk: he had had a bad night on the drink where he fell through some bushes or something, and he talked to Debbie about it the following morning and she said, Is this the way you want to live your life?" And he said, no-then he went for a walk and quit drinking and hasn't had a drop since.
Excuse me? You went for a walk and quit drinking? I have spent upward of $7 million trying to get sober. I have been to six thousand AA meetings. (Not an exaggeration, more an educated guess.) I've been to rehab fifteen times. I've been in a mental institution, gone to therapy twice a week for thirty years, been to death's door. And you went for a fucking walk?

#读书笔记 #MatthewPerry

Last updated 2 years ago

Little Silver · @Fifthcoffee
3 followers · 157 posts · Server

The key to the problem, I would come to understand, was this: I lacked both spiritual guidelines, and an ability to enjoy anything. But at the same time, I was also an excitement addict. This is such a toxic combination I can't even.

I didn't know this at the time, of course, but if I was not in the act of searching for excitement, being excited, or drunk, I was incapable of enjoying anything. The fancy word for that is "anhedonia," a word and feeling I would spend millions in therapy and treatment centers to discover and understand. Maybe that's why I won tennis matches only when I was a set down and within points of losing. Maybe that's why I did everything I did. Anhedonia, by the way, was the original working title of my favorite movie, the one my mother and I had enjoyed together, Annie Hall. Woody gets it. Woody gets me.

#读书笔记 #MatthewPerry

Last updated 2 years ago

Little Silver · @Fifthcoffee
3 followers · 157 posts · Server

At this point I was hanging out a lot with two brothers, Chris and Brian Murray. Somehow, since third grade we'd developed a way of talking that went, "Could it be any hot-ter?" or "Could the teacher be any meaner?" or "Could we be more in detention?" a cadence you might recognize if you're a fan of Friends, or if you've noticed how America has been talking for the past couple of decades or so. (I don't think it's an exaggeration to suggest that Chan-der Bing transformed the way America spoke.) For the record: that transformation came directly from Matthew Perry, Chris Murray, and Brian Murray fucking around in Canada in the 1980s. Only I got rich off of it, though. Fortunately, Chris and Brian have never busted me for that and are still my dear, hilarious friends.

#读书笔记 #MatthewPerry

Last updated 2 years ago

Little Silver · @Fifthcoffee
3 followers · 157 posts · Server

With Dad gone, I quickly understood
that I had a role to play at home. My job was to entertain, to cajole, to delight, to make others laugh, to soothe, to please, to be the Fool the entire court.

Back in the davs before 9/11, kids- and curious adults on planes would sometimes be allowed up to the cockpit to have a look around!

#读书笔记 #MatthewPerry

Last updated 2 years ago

Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
15 followers · 87555 posts · Server