Agile Anti-Pattern => Agile Maturity Models
There are many things wrong with Agile Maturity Models, they are all explained here with the better alternative, namely Agile self-assessments, with the key differences explained:
With more content from @johncutlefish - Barry O'Reilly - Chris McDermott
#selfassesment #MaturityModel #agile #agileantipatterns
The #AgileManifesto serves the same role as a #MaturityModel. It's not useful as a benchmark so much as a source of ideas on what to improve.
#MaturityModel #agilemanifesto
The preprint of our recent ICADL article "KGMM -- A #MaturityModel for Scholarly #KnowledgeGraphs based on Intertwined Human-Machine Collaboration" (with Hassan Hussein, Allard Oelen, Oliver Karras) is available at
#KnowledgeGraphs #MaturityModel
Here is a set of common maturity models I found in GitHub #cybersecurity #ciso #MaturityModel
#cybersecurity #ciso #MaturityModel