@linmob And just to reiterate, we need help from as many people as possible to make Linux's mobile advancements easily visible and inspiring to all, so please, boost, boost, boost the post above!
Also, more hashtags to help reach more of you beautiful nerds across this wide ol' fediverse 😉 :
#DanctNIX #PinePhonePro #PlasmaMobile #PlaMo #Kirigami #GnomeMobile #MauiKit #Maui #MauiShell #SXMO #NemoMobile #PineTab #Angelfish #Megapixels #Millipixels
#millipixels #megapixels #angelfish #pinetab #nemomobile #sxmo #MauiShell #maui #mauikit #gnomemobile #kirigami #plamo #plasmamobile #pinephonepro #DanctNIX
Weekly GNU-like #MobileLinux Update (17/2023): #GloDroid 2.0, Snapshot and a #MauiShell progress video
#LinuxMobile #PinePhone #Librem5 #Kupfer #UbuntuTouch #SailfishOS #NemoMobile #GNOME
#mobilelinux #glodroid #MauiShell #linuxmobile #pinephone #librem5 #kupfer #ubuntutouch #sailfishos #nemomobile #gnome
@ribalinux So can the Nitrux iso be installed in the usual way to a #PinePhonePro? Really keen to try testing #MauiShell and the associated #Maui apps!
#maui #MauiShell #pinephonepro
A new Maui Project report is out!
Want to find out what's new? You can check out the blog for detailed information.
#MauiShell #convergent #Maui #mauikit
@uri_herrera @mauiproject@mastodon.technology Now that I've been using my #librem5 as my daily driver I've been checking in on #mauishell to see if there will be an OS that I can use it and enjoy that stylish conversion.
@sudoreboot I kind of agree with you (esp the part about focusing on what makes you different), but it's also tricky when part of usability means working with users expected patterns. That said, I also agree with everything you said about #UbuntuTouch.
It'll be interesting to see how #MauiShell develops.
We are pleased to announce the Alpha release of Maui Shell!
This new revision of Maui Shell introduces many fixes and missing features, completing parts of Shell's basic functionality.
Read on to find out how Maui Shell has improved and what new features to look out for:
#nitrux #MauiShell #news #alpha #release
A new Maui Shell progress report, leading to the
An alpha release is coming out soon.
#nitrux #mauikit #cask #MauiShell #pinephone
Besides the included sessions, you can run Cask from within the Plasma session. If you use a hypervisor, you can resize its window and see how Maui Shell adjusts to different form factors.
For example, here in VirtualBox, we can test the Desktop, Tablet, and Phone modes and how both the Maui Shell and the Maui Apps can adjust to these form factor changes.
#mauikit #MauiShell #nitrux #linux
@kde Looking great! Any idea roughly when we might see testing images of #MauiShell for the #PinePhone?