After Jesus was arrested, he was taken to the Jewish authorities for a trial (but not a very legal one...) #MaundyThursday #HolyThursday #GoodFriday
#goodfriday #HolyThursday #MaundyThursday
PS bring back royals giving ordinary people money for some reason. #MaundyThursday
After the meal, Jesus and some of his friends went to a local garden. It was there that one of Jesus's friends betrayed him and Jesus was arrested. #MaundyThursday #HolyThursday
This evening Christians remember the 'last supper', the meal that Jesus had with his friends before he was arrested. #MaundyThursday #HolyThursday
Almighty Father, whose dear Son, on the night before he suffered, instituted the Sacrament of his Body and Blood: Mercifully grant that we may receive it thankfully in remembrance of Jesus Christ our Lord, who in these holy mysteries gives us a pledge of eternal life; and who now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
#MaundyThursday #Anglican #Episcopal #HolyWeek #Lent #Triduum
#triduum #Lent #holyweek #episcopal #anglican #MaundyThursday
On #MaundyThursday, Christian tradition commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles.
Jesus always loved those who followed him and this holy day gave final and definitive proof of this love.
Happy Maundy Thursday to all!
There's an irony in the fact that my job mostly involves change management in the Church yet I'm struggling that we didn't sing "Lift High The Cross" at the Chrism Eucharist today. #HolyWeek #MaundyThursday #ChrismEucharist
#holyweek #MaundyThursday #chrismeucharist
April 6, 2023
Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper
The One True Sacrifice of the Mass
1 Corinthians 11:23–24
We begin the most sacred Triduum, the greatest Feasts in the life of the Church. Tonight we celebrate the Last Supper with our Lord. The Church then keeps vigil in prayer until midnight.
#God #Jesus #HolySpirit
#Catholic #CatholicChurch #Catholicism #HolyEucharist #Christianity
#Twitter #CatholicTwitter to #Mastodon
#Lent #MaundyThursday
#MaundyThursday #lent #Mastodon #catholictwitter #Twitter #april #christianity #holyeucharist #catholicism #catholicchurch #catholic #holyspirit #jesus #god
At Your Table
#Christianity #HolyWeek #MaundyThursday
#MaundyThursday #holyweek #christianity
Thinking of my fellow clergy today as we head from the busiest week of the year into the busiest weekend of the year.
Praying for a moment of peace today as we gather in cathedrals up and down the country. #chrism #MaundyThursday
#ImageOfTheDay on #MaundyThursday.
Hanging pyx at #NorwichCathedral containing the three oils traditionally blessed by bishops at the #ChrismMass in their cathedrals on this day: for the anointing of the sick, for catechumens preparing for baptism, and the chrism for consecration to service at baptism, confirmation and ordination.
#chrismmass #norwichcathedral #MaundyThursday #imageoftheday
Today is Maundy Thursday, or Holy Thursday, the Thursday of Holy Week. It represents the day that the Jewish Passover was celebrated in the Bible Story of Easter. #HolyThursday #MaundyThursday
For Maundy Thursday’s Lectionary on Exodus 12:1-4, (5-10), 11-14, watch YDS Profs. Joel Baden and John Collins as they discuss Passover at
#YBS #YDSCCE #YDS #BibleStudy #BibleStudies #Lectionary #Church #Sermon #SermonPrep #Passover #MaundyThursday #Lectionary
#MaundyThursday #passover #sermonprep #sermon #church #lectionary #biblestudies #biblestudy #yds #ydscce #ybs
The #LentMadness 2023 bracket has been released!
If you're unfamiliar with Lent Madness, it's a humorous #Lent devotion, with a serious intention. A group of #saints is organised into a sports style competition. Each match up is decided by voting after reading a blog advocating for that person. The winner is announced on #MaundyThursday.
I reckon both Blandina (gory martyrdom) and Florence Li-Tim-Oi (1st #Anglican woman priest) will go a long way. More info at
#anglican #MaundyThursday #saints #lent #lentmadness
RT @RevdGrant: My first time @ChChCathedralOx today for chrism service with our fab team. Beautiful welcome from @mission_priest lovely service - though wrong tune for final hymn! 😂 but huge thank you @oxforddiocese for a lovely warm welcome to the diocese
#igotlost #teamphoto #MaundyThursday
#igotlost #teamphoto #MaundyThursday