Сэм Лейк оценил мод AlexSavvy.
"Вау, очень впечатляющий мод для Max Payne 3, AlexSavvy".
#mods #samlake #maxpayne #MaxPayne3
Miss Max Payne's original face? This mod puts Sam Lake's mug in Max Payne 3 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/miss-max-paynes-original-face-this-mod-puts-sam-lakes-mug-in-max-payne-3 #MultiplayerCompetitive #Take-TwoInteractive #RemedyEntertainment #RockstarVancouver #RockstarToronto #RockstarLondon #RockstarGames #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #NintendoGBA #MaxPayne3 #Microsoft #3DRealms #MaxPayne #Shooter #Xbox360 #Xbox #PS2 #PS3 #iOS #PC
#pc #ios #ps3 #ps2 #xbox #xbox360 #shooter #MaxPayne #3drealms #microsoft #MaxPayne3 #nintendogba #thirdperson #singleplayer #rockstargames #rockstarlondon #rockstartoronto #RockstarVancouver #remedyentertainment #take #multiplayercompetitive
В Max Payne 3 доступен облик Макса из оригинальной Max Payne под названием Old School Max.
Но AlexSavvy решил к 22-летию оригинальной Max Payne сделать для Max Payne 3 более детализированную модельку классического Макса с опорой на внешность Сэма Лейка.
С его работой можете ознакомиться через Nexus Mods.
RPS Time Capsule: the games worth saving from 2012 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/rps-time-capsule-the-games-worth-saving-from-2012 #DarkSouls:PrepareToDieEdition #FTL:FasterThanLight #XCOM:EnemyUnknown #TheRPSTimeCapsule #TheWalkingDead #Tribes:Ascend #Blockbuster #MassEffect3 #Dishonored #DearEsther #MaxPayne3 #Indie
#indie #MaxPayne3 #DearEsther #dishonored #MassEffect3 #blockbuster #tribes #thewalkingdead #TheRPSTimeCapsule #xcom #ftl #darksouls
I'm on my third play-through of #MaxPayne3
My favorite part is when Max gets to that last piano at the hotel and "for a few moments, there was harmony" as he plays his dirge correctly. It adds nothing mission-wise, but I found it cathartic after all the other botched attempts throughout the game.
Today is one of the very rare times that I have pre-ordered a game. I bought #GodOfWarRagnarok today. 🎉🚀 The only other games that I have pre-ordered before are #MaxPayne3, #BatmanArkhamOrigins, and #Cyberpunk2077 #gaming
#godofwarragnarok #MaxPayne3 #BatmanArkhamOrigins #cyberpunk2077 #gaming
Remedy are remaking Max Payne 1 & 2 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/remedy-are-remaking-max-payne-1-2 #MaxPayne2:TheFallOfMaxPayne #RemedyEntertainment #Blockbuster #MaxPayne3 #MaxPayne #Rockstar
#maxpayne2 #remedyentertainment #blockbuster #MaxPayne3 #MaxPayne #rockstar
Max Payne 3, Released a While Back, but still Fun: https://boilingsteam.com/max-payne-3-great-bullet-opera/ #linux #linuxgaming #proton #steamplay #rockstar #maxpayne3 #review
#steamplay #review #linux #linuxgaming #proton #rockstar #MaxPayne3
I finished Max Payne 3 (from 2013) on Linux with Proton not too long ago, and here's my thoughts about it (as well as how well it runs): https://boilingsteam.com/max-payne-3-great-bullet-opera/ #maxpayne3 #linux #linuxgaming #review #maxpayne #rockstar
#MaxPayne3 #linux #linuxgaming #review #maxpayne #rockstar
I have been playing Max Payne 3 recently (going through my backlog!) and it's GOOD! Years after its release, still one of the most satisfying shooters, and Max's character is still as endearing as ever. Works fine on Linux with Proton too. #linux #linuxgaming #proton #steamplay #maxpayne3
#linux #linuxgaming #proton #steamplay #MaxPayne3
Every DLC for Max Payne 3 and L.A. Noir is now free on PC - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/7kRJofsDAlY/max-payne-3-and-la-noire-now-include-all-dlcs-free-on-pc #RockstarGames #L.A.Noire #MaxPayne3
Le manque d'ombre casse un peu ma suspension d'incrédulité déjà bien entamée par les cinématiques intempestives.
#LapinoursGaming #jeuxvidéo #MaxPayne3
Et une séquence de rail shooter, bien sur !
#LapinoursGaming #jeuxvidéo #MaxPayne3
Par contre je râle, je râle, mais la feeling des armes et de leur impact est quand même chouette. Et puis pour un jeu de 2012 il tient encore pas mal la barre graphiquement.
#LapinoursGaming #jeuxvidéo #MaxPayne3
Et puis pour l'instant le jeu manque clairement de méchant mafieux charismatiques ou de femmes fatales.
#LapinoursGaming #jeuxvidéo #MaxPayne3
Sans parler de l'image qui est criblée de glitchs façon mauvaise réception analogique / VHS pétée toutes les 30 secondes...
#LapinoursGaming #jeuxvidéo #MaxPayne3
Sans parler du fait que le jeu est devenu un cover shooter où on fait caca derrière des caisses...
#LapinoursGaming #jeuxvidéo #MaxPayne3
J'ai recommencé #MaxPayne3, auquel j'avais moyennement accroché à l'époque et le verdict est le même : trop de cut-scenes. Tout le temps. Impossible de faire 20 mètres sans que le jeu ne reprenne la main pour faire jacasser Max. Il parle encore plus que dans les deux précédents.
On sent bien que ce n'est plus Remedy aux commandes mais Rockstrar...
#LapinoursGaming #jeuxvidéo #MaxPayne3