Клип Maximum the Hormone (マキシマム ザ ホルモン) - [恋のアメリカ]
#JR_Clip #jrock #Maximum_the_Hormone #MaximumtheHormone
#MaximumTheHormone #maximum_the_hormone #jrock #JR_Clip
es ist #MaximalMetalMusikMittwoch!
Dafür zum wach werden:
#MaximumTheHormone - Bite!
#maximalmetalmusikmittwoch #MaximumTheHormone #alliterationsdisco #metalmittwoch
Time for an introduction :)
An IT consultant working with monitoring of ERP systems(M3) and AS400. My main interests are #irssi, #perl, #books, #linux, #science in general, and #physics in particular. Huuuge fan of #MaximumTheHormone as seen by the concert ticket :)
#irssi #perl #books #linux #science #physics #MaximumTheHormone
Falling down the rabbit hole with Asia's metal bands: https://www.metalsucks.net/2023/02/23/nu-metal-in-japan-loco-in-tokyo/
Metal bands or songs that have had an impact on me 2022. In no particular order (and thus not a ranking).
Maximum the Hormone (JPN) - Yoshu Fukushu
Officially finished work for the year - time for some absolute bonkers energy from #MaximumTheHormone to celebrate! (you can skip the 1st minute of the video)
Hey, is it #MetalMonday? I think it is!
Five bands I’m listening a lot to at the moment:
This performance by Opeth of their song Ghost of Perdition in the Red Rocks open air amphitheatre in the Rocky Mountains foothills above Denver is just mindbendingly good, and it means a little extra to me as I used to live there, a good 20 years ago.
#metalmonday #MaximumTheHormone #orbitculture #jinjer #boris #opeth
Pohdin tuossa itsekseni soveliasta ajankohtaa jouluisan musiikin puffaamisen aloittamiseksi täällä Mastossa. Jotenkin harhauduin aiheesta kovin kauaksi ja päädyin YouTubeen kokemaan taas kerran tämän japanilaisen Maximum The Hormonen raisun vedon joka palkitsee sitä enemmän mitä pitemmälle sitä jaksat seurata. Ei tarvitse kiittää.
#Japani #hardcore #musadontti #musiikki #MaximumTheHormone
Mobbing och utanförskap har många erfarenhet av. Så har även Ryo, gitarrist och sångare i Maximum the hormone och det är något de beskriver i låten Yoshū Fukushū. Bandet bildades 1998 och deras trummis Nao (Ryos storasyster) nämns ofta som viktig influens av många kvinnliga rockmusiker, t ex Akane från #BandMaid och Tamu i #Nemophila. Musikaliskt är #MaximumTheHormone oförutsägbara, de var t ex ett av de tidigaste att blanda j pop med #hårdrock & #heavymetal
#heavymetal #hårdrock #MaximumTheHormone #Nemophila #BandMaid
Hi, I'm vague, aka Jari. Moving from mastodon.technology so time for an #introduction :) An IT consultant working with monitoring of ERP systems(M3). My main interests are #irssi, #perl, #books, #linux, #science in general and #physics in particular. Huuuge fan of #MaximumTheHormone as seen by the concert ticket :)
My profile picture is featuring my old cat Wille
#introduction #irssi #perl #books #linux #science #physics #MaximumTheHormone