Around 14,000 people did not vote after being unable to show photo ID, elections watchdog says | The Independent
#elections #voterid #votersuppression #electoralcommission #LocalElection #May2023Elections #disabled #unemployed #ReesMogg #BarriersToVoting #Rayner #morgan #ElectoralReformSociety #DeptForLevellingUpHousingAndCommunities #NorthernIreland #NI
1 in 4 voters wrongly believe they won’t need ID to vote in May’s local elections - Left Foot Forward: Leading the UK's progressive debate
#voterid #May2023Elections #LocalElections
Outrage at government for ‘disenfranchising younger voters’ ahead of May local elections - Left Foot Forward: Leading the UK's progressive debate
#voterid #YoungerVoters #youngadults #May2023Elections #LocalElections