So for the #introduction:
At two years old I was able to download & change computer wallpapers. My parents couldn't. I was interested in computers and how to corrupt images and so on from a young age. Cut out parts of images to see what'd happen, found that funny. Then I discovered Ubuntu/Linux due to my brother, went distro hopping later on.
At around the same time of the distro hopping, I started to get an interest in programming and security. Found it funny how you could get websites to spit out errors when corrupting url requests. Then I also used JS and HTML on the school project site, to do stored XSS to annoy other students (I didn't know what stored XSS was back then).
Then I got also an interest in console modding and Android rooting, as well as retro computers. I messed with that for quite a bit :).
Later on I gained a more specific interest in information security, used hack this site around the same time as the consoles, retro computers, and Android. I created a HTB account later.
During this all, I programmed Python, BASIC, C, and more. I enjoyed learning a lot. I ended up self studying security after doing Udemy, Codecademy, and more. It's all a bit simultaneously though.
Anyway, I messed with some sites, did CTFs, learnt, gained a few thank yous from companies I hacked. Then I ended up doing volunteering work for the #DutchInstituteForVulnerabilityDisclosure of which I have a few cases I worked on. There's like a whole lot more to this story but to write more would lead to a shittonne of text.
I'm a member of a hackerspace and went to two hacker events, of which one is #MayContainHackers, also occasionally go to #WomenInCybersecurityCommunityAssociation
That's all for now
#introduction #dutchinstituteforvulnerabilitydisclosure #MayContainHackers #womenincybersecuritycommunityassociation
hi I bougtt at the MCH2022 a hoody Zipper fitted cut in the size of L for me it is a bit small if someone hat a a bit to Lage hoody in the fitid model XL or someting i Like to exchange
#mch2022 #mch #maycontainhackers #tody #mhcclothing #clothes #MHC2020 #Merge
#MCH2022 #MCH #MayContainHackers #tody #mhcclothing #clothes #MHC2020 #merge
Ok ergens in mijn hoofd was het iets mis gegaan met de datum van MCH, ik dacht dat het midden in mijn vakantie viel. FAKE NEWS, ik kan in ieder geval het weekend gewoon bij @MCH2022Camp
zijn. Dus ticket is in allerijl gekocht 😄 #maycontainhackers #MCH2022
May Contain Hackers 2022 is a "hacker camp" festival in the Netherlands based in a holiday village. It's taking place in August 2022, you can follow at:
➡️ @mch2022camp
The website for the event is at
(Just for clarity, the term "hacker" here doesn't mean criminals! It just means people who enjoy getting to know how software/hardware/whatever really works, tinkering with it etc, kind of like "lifehacks".)
#MayContainHackers #Events #Technology #Computing #Netherlands
#netherlands #computing #technology #events #MayContainHackers