Love and solidarity to all those at Club Q last night.
Love and solidarity to all the friends, families, acquaintances, and community members who know and/or knew someone who was at Club Q in Colorado Springs.
Love and solidarity to all my fellow queer and especially trans folks.
Rage and grief and rage over the five beautiful people who didn’t make it out of QClub.
May Their Memory Spark a Blessed Revolution.
#MourningOurDead #FightingForTheLiving
#CommunitySelfDefense #LoveAndRage
(photo: our solidarity with each other—all of those of us that the fascists want to disappear—must be visibly rock-hard solid; as seen in Tio’tia:ke/Montreal this summer)
#MayTheirMemoryBeABlessing #transgenderdayofremembrance #WeMustLoveAndProtectEachOther #loveandrage #MourningOurDead #FightingForTheLiving #communityselfdefense