It begins. #mayaangelou #margaretatwood #alicewalker ... all banned. The dumbest thing I have heard all week, but the week is still young.
#MayaAngelou #margaretatwood #alicewalker
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #EssentialMix
Maya Angelou:
🎵 On The Pulse Of Morning
#nowplaying #essentialmix #bbcr1 #MayaAngelou
Today In Labor History April 4, 1928: Poet and Civil Rights activist, Maya Angelou, was born on this date.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #MayaAngelou #poetry #CivilRights #literature #autobiography
#workingclass #LaborHistory #MayaAngelou #poetry #civilrights #Literature #autobiography
RT @DrMayaAngelou: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” #MayaAngelou
Heel mooi interview met @groenlinks Kamerlid Kauthar Bouchallikht.
“Ik doe dit ook omdat ik hoop dat we elkaar meer durven zien als individuen die uit heel veel lagen bestaan. Dat is bij mij lang niet gebeurd, en bij veel anderen evenmin. Dat maakt de samenleving kwetsbaar, het beschadigt hoe we met elkaar omgaan.”
You may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I’ll rise. #MayaAngelou
When someone
shows you
who they are,
People know themselves
much better
than you do.
That’s why it’s important
to stop expecting
them to be
something other
than who they are.
-- #MayaAngelou
I wish that I had learned this lesson much earlier in life.
There's a thing going round to name your seven favourite authors...
Why so few! Here's just a few of mine!
What's yours?
#BookToot #bookstadon #Feminism #LGBTAuthors #TransAuthors #CurrentlyReading #BookRecs #MastoBooks #SevenFavouriteAuthors
#MaryWollstonecraft #AnaïsNin #MayaAngelou #alicewalker #georgeeliot #gertrudestein #KateBornstein #BookToot #bookstadon #feminism #LGBTAuthors #transauthors #currentlyReading #bookrecs #mastobooks #SevenFavouriteAuthors
RT @DrMayaAngelou
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." -- #MayaAngelou