RT @SpectacularTime@twitter.com
#Pete2020 #PeteTheCheat #MayorCheat #HesAWeaselNotARat https://twitter.com/wendellpotter/status/1232000175775850496
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SpectacularTime/status/1232072645992230913
#HesAWeaselNotARat #MayorCheat #PeteTheCheat #pete2020
RT @gink_d@twitter.com
Don’t listen to #MayorCheat he doesn’t give a flying fuck about you! What good is a union if your boss has the power to hold your healthcare hostage?!? ...& your children’s? https://twitter.com/petebuttigieg/status/1227612058000203778
My favorite twitter exchange from last week's Iowa debacle was with a Mayo Pete defender who saw me using the #MayorCheat hashtag and decided to jump into my mentions. Here are the screenshots. Enjoy!
RT @jackallisonLOL@twitter.com
So they release results showing #MayorCheat is in the lead until Bernie’s climbing with 98% in. Then they scrap the ENTIRE CAUCUS, LIKE THEY DID WITH THE POLL. THIS IS WHAT WE MEAN WHEN WE TALK ABOUT DNC CHEATING, OBVIOUSLY, OUT IN THE OPEN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jackallisonLOL/status/1225474892818026496
Slowly getting to 100% at RealClearPolitics but so far at 96% Bernie is not only leading the popular vote in Iowa he's also almost tied with #MayorCheat for SDE.
RT @KeyDecision1@twitter.com
Hey Pelosi fans:
Unfollow me
Because Nancy Pelosi is against the Green New Deal & Medicare for All
She was at the "Stop Bernie" meeting with #MayorCheat
She ripped up Trump's speech, wow, how brave
Too bad she didn't impeach a fucking year ago
She is NOT on our side
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KeyDecision1/status/1225001661158117376
RT @feetothefire@twitter.com
The primary will be rigged every step of the way.
#NotMeUs and @BernieSanders@twitter.com
should contest every result in every primary moving forward and demand a paper count.
#PresidentBernieSanders #BernieWon
#DNCRigged #DNCisCorrupt
#MayorCheat #TomPerezResign
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/feetothefire/status/1224748871835967489
#TomPerezResign #MayorCheat #DNCIsCorrupt #DNCRigged #IowaCaucusDisaster #BernieWon #presidentberniesanders #notmeus
RT @Smedley_Butler@twitter.com
@ThiaBallerina@twitter.com #MayorCheat https://www.newsweek.com/mayorcheat-trends-pete-buttigieg-declares-iowa-caucus-victory-1485564?fbclid=IwAR2CeSx_pnCFg_oSmW_m20PDQ9g7ftrOEQ3Z-Wg1rvJXOo1Gi_PeEy_uZP4
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Smedley_Butler/status/1224738452983308288
Can you imagine how supporters of #MayorCheat feel now that they see what a fool he's made of himself and them in the whole #IowaCaucusDisaster ?
#IowaCaucusDisaster #MayorCheat
RT @GarlandNixon@twitter.com
Mayor cheat: I won Iowa
Voters: No you didn't
Mayor Cheat: but Tom Perez told me 3 weeks ago that I was the winner?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GarlandNixon/status/1224644461029994496
RT @indianaboognish@twitter.com
So let me get this straight. #MayorCheat had internal numbers showing he LOST and then STILL claimed victory? How does that work exactly? #BernieWon https://twitter.com/brentwelder/status/1224666278268370945
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/indianaboognish/status/1224670188613836800