#ttrpg If you wanted to expand on backgrounds, paths, & careers in games like #Cairn #MazeRats or #Knave with some ancestry/heritage options, how would you do it? I’m thinking something similar to all of the above. It provides some advantage or minor modifier in situations where being an “elf” or a “dwarf” would be helpful? I might be over thinking this?
I like the tri-fold trend of crunchier games towards “Ancenstry, Background, Class” (thank you, pathfinder). That, but lighter, less verbose?
#ttrpg #cairn #MazeRats #Knave
Getting ready for this saturday's #FroggyCon (in Milan):
* In the first slot I'm gonna run my #OSR game about #vampires.
* In the second slot I'll run Against the Grey by @EvlynMoreau and @RatgrrrlGames with #MazeRats
* In the third slot I'll go for some more classic fun with #BasicFantasyRPG and the Lapis Observatory.
Check the rest of the thread to see how good it's going
#froggycon #osr #vampires #MazeRats #BasicFantasyRPG
Last but not least, I embarked on a painful coding journey with Maze Ratpack, the random generator for the Italian edition of #MazeRats
Character generation was pretty quick, but I've decided I want a lot more things automated. Which isn't as easy as it sounds because I suck at #JavaScript, but let's see where I can get.
If I ever get everything working how I want, I might consider translating the texts into English, but there are already some tools there so it's not like there's a real need.
Toolino pratico se giocate a #MazeRats in italiano: un bel generatore automatico di personaggi.
Giusto un reminder che questo fine settimana mi trovate a giocare a #Cairn, #MazeRats e #BeyondTheWallAndOtherAdventures alla #Ultracon2023 di #cremona
Potete prenotarvi qui: gdrultracon2023.eventbrite.it
(c'è anche da prendere il biglietto per entrare alla con)
#cairn #MazeRats #BeyondTheWallAndOtherAdventures #ultracon2023 #cremona
Partie de Maze Rats terminée. Deux bandits on réussis à récupérer la couronne du Roi Serpent en échange de leur liberté. 11 bandits sont mortssans gloire au fond du donjon, soit environ 2 PJs par joueur/joueuse :blobcatsweat:
La table s’est bien marrée, on gardera ça pour d’autres parties improvisées, quoique pourquoi pas une partie en streaming avec les potes.
Partie de Maze Rats terminée. Deux bandits on réussis à récupérer la couronne du Roi Serpent en échange de leur liberté. 11 bandits sont mort sans gloire au fond du donjon, soit environ 2 PJs par joueur/joueuse :blobcatsweat:
La table c’est bien marrée, on gardera ça pour d’autres partie improvisée quoique pourquoi pas une partie en streaming avec les potes.
Petit fil 🧵 compte-rendu de la partie de Maze Rats avec enfants et neveux.
Intro: Le conseil des sages de Bardara a découvert l'entrée de la Tombe du Roi Serpent. Ils veulent récuperer la couronne du Roi qui leur permettrait de financer le developpement de la ville. Ils decident alors de porter volontaires tous les écroués et bagnards présent dans leurs prisons. Ils sont accompagnés sur place par la garde citadine et son commandant sans pitié Rodrigo Penderboom. (1/7)
La mia traduzione italiana di #MazeRats per l'Italian Translation Alliance vede finalmente la luce! Grazie infinite a @zeruhur per l'impaginazione!
La trovate qua: https://ita-translation-alliance.itch.io/maze-rats
My #fairphone is (finally) back from maintenance and it looks like I'm going to have the whole afternoon for myself to translate #MazeRats (and maybe even cook something fun).
Today looks good.
Translations: currently working on #MazeRats while I have the typesetting for #glog and some extra material for #cairn in the backburner
Prepping: #BeyondTheWallAndOtherAdventures (not that there's much to do)
Playing: currently, I just do one shots for events. I'd love to start something longer, tho.
Writing: I've got an #OSR game about wizard kids in a magic school waiting to be written, but I'm currently out of spoons
#MazeRats #glog #cairn #BeyondTheWallAndOtherAdventures #osr
Folks, I need some #ttrpg suggestions! I need an #OSR one-shot adventure to bring at an event.
Usually, I'll bring Prison of the Hated Pretender, but I've been running it a lot and I'm getting tired. At the moment, the plan is to use #MazeRats as a system.
My library is reaching critical mass by now, so running through it will take a lot of time and effort. If you have any suggestion, I'd be grateful!
Mes 5 derniers jdr
#savageworlds (joueur)
Mes 5 prochains jdr
#Logos #Mausritters #monsteroftheweek #InverseWorld #Venzia #savageworlds #MazeRats #AbstractDungeon #thesprawl #ZombieWorld #5and5 #ttrpg #jdr
lol, I love the random spell generation in Maze Rats.
Basically you randomly generate a two-word prompt out of a list of a couple hundred words, and then interpret *that* to make up a spell.
For instance, I just rolled up one that has an Ethereal Effect (Terrifying) and a Physical Form (Lava) and made The Floor Is Lava, an illusion spell which, if the target fails their save, forces them to retreat to a safe place for fear of being burned.
Plus de #MercrediFiction depuis quelques semaines, je suis occupé par la publication de mes 2 premiers livres de l'année : Lieux d'aventures & Maze Rats. J'ai conçu une campagne pour ce #jdr, plus d'informations en suivant ce lien : https://www.gameontabletop.com/cf304/lieux-d-aventures-maze-rats.html#item-updates-4506
#mercredifiction #jdr #MazeRats
Plus de #MercrediFiction depuis quelques semaines, je suis occupé par la publication de mes 2 premiers livres de l'année : Lieux d'aventures & Maze Rats. J'ai conçu une campagne pour ce #jdr, plus d'informations en suivant ce lien : https://www.gameontabletop.com/cf304/lieux-d-aventures-maze-rats.html#item-updates-4506
#mercredifiction #jdr #MazeRats
Dans le financement participatif du jeu de rôle, voici la description de ma campagne Le Sarcophage :
#jdr #MazeRats