Nem quero imaginar o que os pais da Madeleine devem estar a passar, há mais de quinze anos com uma ferida que não quer sarar.
#Madeleine #McCann: Portuguese and German police begin searching reservoir site | Madeleine McCann | The Guardian
LO+VISTO| Joven asegura ser Madeleine #McCann, niña desaparecida en #Portugal en 2007
When are Kate and Bro. Gerry #McCann going to be arrested for Madeleine McCann's death?
RT @FlorianFlade
Fall Madeleine #McCann: Staatsanwalt spricht von „materielle Beweis“ für den Tod des Mädchens | #Maddie #Justiz #Portugal
#McCann #maddie #justiz #portugal
A total of £11.75m has been spent on Operation Grange. #McCann
How is that justified on one child when Children go missing from care every 2 minutes inthe UK and child sexual exploitation is a thing?