@gutenberg_org Most #chemistry and #physics professors, let alone students, do not know that Rutherford's first systematic investigations of the atomic structure were done in #Canada, eh, at #McGillUniversity. https://www.mcgill.ca/about/history/rutherford
#chemistry #physics #canada #McGillUniversity
#JournalOfRightWingStudies , #UCBerkeley
#RightWingPoliticsInEurope by #TerriGivens Department of #PoliticalScience, #McGillUniversity 2023
#journalofrightwingstudies #UCBerkeley #rightwingpoliticsineurope #terrigivens #politicalscience #McGillUniversity #extremedroite #farright
Hello friends of the Fediverse! My name is Kit and I’m a 1st year #PhDstudent at #McGillUniversity, settled in #Tiohtiá:ke aka #Montréal. I’m a white #queer #trans guy whose work tends to fall within #communicationstudies, #digitalhumanities, and #transgenderstudies.
I’m so happy to be here because tbh I never really figured out how the #birdsite worked and it was wayyy too late to ask 😅
#phdstudent #McGillUniversity #tiohtia #montreal #queer #trans #communicationstudies #digitalhumanities #transgenderstudies #birdsite #introduction #academia