#SouthCarolina Governor #HenryMcMaster is an embarrassment to his state, his political party, and all civilized Americans. 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/south-carolina-mcmaster-hunt-democrats-dogs_n_646cff6ae4b06749be170f09
And my alma mater #McMasterUniversity can’t be too pleased with him, either!
#SaveAmerica from #BananaRepublicans in the #DarkMAGA cult of ignorance and hate!
“All hate begins as self-hate.” - Dalai Lama
#southcarolina #henrymcmaster #McMasterUniversity #saveamerica #bananarepublicans #DarkMAGA
@Kikadee @jbonewald @StillIRise1963 #McMasterUniversity ⬇️ in #TheHammer is a great option, especially if students are interested in a #sustainability.
#McMasterUniversity #thehammer #sustainability
The future of #SolarEnergy is so bright we should all wear shades (of solar panels on our roofs)! 🌞
Tune in to the 35th annual J. W. Hodgins Memorial Lecture on Monday, April 17th to hear about the development of solar cell technology from #McMasterUniversity alum and multiple solar-energy conversion efficiency record-holder #MartinGreen. ⬇️
#solarenergy #McMasterUniversity #martingreen
Founded by #ElectricalEngineering & #MEngDesign grad Areeb Khawaja, #AccessResolve is #streamlining #disability accommodation requests into a simple, fast & compliant system for all parties.
The new #StartUp at The Forge at #McMasterUniversity is also winning some major top prizes for their #innovation and #helping #JobCandidates on the #accessibility front.
#WorkplaceAccomodation #DisabledCommunity #Canada #Useful #GoodResource #SuppportForDisabled
#electricalengineering #mengdesign #accessresolve #streamlining #disability #startup #McMasterUniversity #innovation #helping #jobcandidates #accessibility #workplaceaccomodation #disabledcommunity #canada #useful #goodresource #suppportfordisabled
@mariapopova ⬆️
And put #McMasterUniversity ’s #BertrandRussell Research Centre on your bucket 🪣 list! 👉 https://www.humanities.mcmaster.ca/~russell/
#McMasterUniversity #bertrandrussell
@sashajwright @jebyrnes @markush It's absolutely unsurprising that #UCLA is not talking due to (1) legal/privacy constraints; (2) lawyers lawyers lawyers. Risk-averse viewpoint says people have short memories, better than getting sued. e.g. #McMasterUniversity has been 99.9% silent on Pruittgate
@Sheril ⬆️
I just learned ⬇️ that a recently deceased Professor Emeritus of #Chemistry at my alma mater #McMasterUniversity , Ian Spencer, was also saved by the #Kindertransport before #WorldWar2 .
In our many fascinating conversations, and exhausting squash games, he never mentioned it. He was a real mensch! 🪦
#chemistry #McMasterUniversity #kindertransport #worldwar2
Condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of #IanSpenser 🪦, #McMasterUniversity Professor Emeritus in the Department of #Chemistry and Chemical Biology. He truly was a ‘mensch’ - and an awesome squash player!
#ianspenser #McMasterUniversity #chemistry
#McMasterUniversity in #TheHammer , continues to rank as one of the world's leading universities, particularly in medical research and #education of healthcare providers.
#McMasterUniversity #thehammer #education
Congratulations 🎉 to #McMasterUniversity #chemistry professor Gary Schrobilgen who received the 2022 European Academy of Sciences’ Blaise Pascal Medal in Chemistry for his pioneering research in fluorine and noble gas chemistry! #EurASc #MastoChem #HighOxidationState
#McMasterUniversity #chemistry #eurasc #mastochem #highoxidationstate