Geez this hits close to home. 🤣👵🏼
But it ends strong:
“most of all, a tunic is a woman’s way of saying, “You know what? Nobody’s looking at me anymore anyway, so why not just relax and throw out my fucking shapewear? Why not be comfortable and self-assured for once in my goddamn life?” Yeah, it’s pretty much that last one. A glorious, comfortable future awaits. I’m wearing tunics now.”
#McSweeny #Tunic #MiddleAged
The genius that is #McSweeny’s
> One minute fall’s like, “Hey, check out my delightful fucking harvest, I smell like cinnamon & apples & shit, isn’t this nice?” And I’m like, “It’s really fucking nice, I wish this could last forever.” So fall’s like, “Be careful what you fucking wish for,” all ominous & shit. And I’m like, “Take it easy, fall. Jesus.” And fall’s like, “You fucking take it easy!” < 🎃💩
Norman Bates is leaving twitter. I, for one, plan to #welcome him with open arms. Overheard today