"“We’re looking back at the #MeToo movement now in the rearview mirror and everyone’s always asking, ‘Are things better? Are things worse?'” said producer Kathleen Lingo, who works for the Times. “It’s really hard to have a blanket assessment, but just the fact that the women who felt a sense of promise at that moment now don’t feel it anymore — I think is quite stark.”"
#MeToo #women #sexism #misogyny #entertainment #usa #News
Whoa. Looks like Hollywood is going through some things. A hefty sentence feels like justice finally caught up for these victims. #masterson #MeToo #justice #rape #violence #Scientology
#masterson #MeToo #justice #rape #violence #Scientology
Woody Allen in Venice: #MeToo has been good for women, but cancel culture can be ‘silly’
Originally posted by: World news | The Guardian
I guess this is the same as #MeToo but I think this needs to be front and center all the time. The anti-women laws in this country are part of this. Where rapists can even sue a woman for her obtaining health care
I think Emma is probably just a kid who wanted me to reply with a horni jail meme.
Then I went for account index and Business Insider.
Poor girl.
Let them have pussy, but #MeToo !
CN: sexualisierte Gewalt, KO-Tropfen, Vergewaltigung
Seit heute morgen ist ein Outing über den österreichischen Journalisten und Täter #Bonvalot öffentlich.
Zwei Jahrzehnte lang hat er massivste #sexualisierteGewalt ausgeübt.
Vollste Solidarität mit allen Betroffenen
#bonvalot #sexualisiertegewalt #MeToo #vergewaltigung #feminismus
#CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit #FeelTheBern
#JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Welcome to Jinwar, a women-only village in Syria that wants to smash the patriarchy [UPDATES]
#bijirojava #jinjiyanazadi #feelthebern #demexit #Humanity #MeToo #DACA #sdf #BLM #nodapl #occupy #Union #megabanks #oligarchs #idiocracy #corpmedia
As much as I am excited about a new David Fincher movie, Michael Fassbender’s history of abuse should be talked about ⤵️⤵️⤵️
Force et Courage à notre championne tunisienne
#Tennis : "Quand j'avais 12 ans et demi, j'ai été abusée par Régis de Camaret", témoigne l'ex-joueuse tunisienne #SelimaSfar - #MeToo #EnaZada #Tunisie
#tennis #selimasfar #MeToo #enazada #Tunisie
Media #MeToo Men Mount Pathetic Comebacks https://www.thedailybeast.com/media-metoo-men-mount-pathetic-comebacks
Rückkehrer nach „#MeToo“: Kino mit Beipackzettel https://orf.at/stories/3329142/ #Kultur
‘It’s over’: World Cup kiss becomes Spanish football’s #MeToo moment https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/27/spain-womens-football-jenni-hermoso-world-cup-kiss-luis-rubiales?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon - via @guardian
‘It’s over’: World Cup kiss becomes Spanish football’s #MeToo moment
Originally posted by: World news | The Guardian
#Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit #FeelTheBern
#JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Kurdish-led forces in Syria withdraw from fight against ISIS to battle Turkey in Afrin, saying U.S. "let us down." [UPDATES]
#bijirojava #jinjiyanazadi #feelthebern #demexit #Humanity #MeToo #DACA #sdf #BLM #nodapl #occupy #Union #megabanks #oligarchs
Bestsellerautor Ferdinand von Schirach regt Strafen gegen Medien an, wenn sie unbewiesene Behauptungen veröffentlichen, die das Leben Betroffener schädigen können. Wer würde noch kritisch berichten? #MeToo hätte es nie gegeben.
Kommentar im DJV-Blog... https://www.djv.de/startseite/service/blogs-und-intranet/djv-blog/detail/news-metoo-haette-es-nie-gegeben
Intro : Je suis un gars passionné par tout.
2022, j’ai fait la narration et j’ai participé au documentaire ARTE : Bouddhisme, la Loi du Silence qui dénonce des abus sexuels dans le Bouddhisme Tibétain.
Depuis +8 ans, je passe un temps considérable à faire avancer OKCInfo en Justice. #okcinfo #metoo https://okcinfo.news