RT from Wilderness Labs Inc. (@wildernesslabs)
This @Hacksterio project shows how to control LEDs and an MPU5060 (accelerometer sensor) with #MeadowFoundation, our massive driver library that makes hardware projects as easy as software, all in full .NET. https://www.hackster.io/wilderness-labs/make-a-basic-level-with-an-mpu6050-four-leds-and-meadow-53a883 #meadowiot #csharp #dotnet #iot
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/wildernesslabs/status/1630991813413683201
#iot #dotnet #csharp #meadowiot #MeadowFoundation
RT from Wilderness Labs Inc. (@wildernesslabs)
This @Hacksterio project shows how to control LEDs and an MPU5060 (accelerometer sensor) with #MeadowFoundation, our massive driver library that makes hardware projects as easy as software, all in full .NET. https://www.hackster.io/wilderness-labs/make-a-basic-level-with-an-mpu6050-four-leds-and-meadow-53a883 #meadowiot #csharp #dotnet #iot
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/wildernesslabs/status/1630237068386336768
#iot #dotnet #csharp #meadowiot #MeadowFoundation
RT from Wilderness Labs Inc. (@wildernesslabs)
With #MeadowFoundation, you'll feel hardware development as familiar as building mobile/desktop apps, using full .NET, #csharp and #VisualStudio. Learn to use a 2-axis Joystick, perfect for building retro video games. @Hacksterio: https://www.hackster.io/wilderness-labs/using-a-2-axis-analog-joystick-with-meadow-e3188e #meadowiot #dotnet
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/wildernesslabs/status/1623381770539245573
#dotnet #meadowiot #visualstudio #csharp #MeadowFoundation
RT from Wilderness Labs Inc. (@wildernesslabs)
With #MeadowFoundation, you'll feel hardware development as familiar as building mobile/desktop apps, using full .NET, #csharp and #VisualStudio. Learn to use a 2-axis Joystick, perfect for building retro video games. @Hacksterio: https://wldrn.es/xj1 #meadowiot #dotnet
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/wildernesslabs/status/1552307998386708481
#MeadowFoundation #csharp #visualstudio #meadowiot #dotnet