Marc Ochsner · @mochsner
36 followers · 384 posts · Server

Anyone else out there find meal planning & shopping a pain? Just a husband/dad over here who dislikes the "what are we going to eat this week", and really wants to find or make an app to do so easier.

Already have a few ideas, but hoping somebody else out there might have interest in such an open source project, via code or through ideas. Currently leaning NET6 and Angular maybe. familiar with but less comfortable with

#MealPrep #MealsforKids #groceries #grocery #mealplanning #angular #NET6

Last updated 2 years ago

Marc Ochsner · @mochsner
45 followers · 501 posts · Server

Anyone else out there find meal planning & shopping a pain? For my family, I find the "what are we going to eat this week" painful, and really want to find or make an app to think meals out easier

Already have a few ideas, but hoping somebody else out there might have interest in such an open source project, via code or through ideas. Most familiar with , , somewhat with and

General notion of idea to follow

#Python #ngjs #MealPrep #MealsforKids #groceries #grocery #mealplanning #angular #NET6

Last updated 2 years ago