Anyone else out there find meal planning & shopping a pain? Just a husband/dad over here who dislikes the "what are we going to eat this week", and really wants to find or make an app to do so easier.
Already have a few ideas, but hoping somebody else out there might have interest in such an open source project, via code or through ideas. Currently leaning NET6 and Angular maybe. familiar with #NET6 but less comfortable with #Angular
#MealPrep #MealsforKids #groceries #grocery #mealplanning #angular #NET6
Anyone else out there find meal planning & shopping a pain? For my family, I find the "what are we going to eat this week" painful, and really want to find or make an app to think meals out easier
Already have a few ideas, but hoping somebody else out there might have interest in such an open source project, via code or through ideas. Most familiar with #NET6, #ngJS, somewhat with #Angular and #Python
General notion of idea to follow
#Python #ngjs #MealPrep #MealsforKids #groceries #grocery #mealplanning #angular #NET6