Happily released my crash course about #FiniteStateMachines / #EndlicheAutomaten in 58 minutes spread over 11 videos.
It addresses #Acceptors, #MealyMachines and #MooreMachines by example with a little theory.
Presentations (ppsx) and some preliminary code (C# and Java) are freely available at https://github.com/slogslog/Coding-Kurzgeschichten/tree/master/Crashkurs%20Automaten
Videos and materials are in German only, sorry.
#informatikEdu #informatik #htldonaustadt #htldonaustadtinformatik
#FiniteStateMachines #EndlicheAutomaten #Acceptors #MealyMachines #MooreMachines #informatikEdu #informatik #htldonaustadt #htldonaustadtinformatik
Happily released my crash course about #FiniteStateMachines / #EndlicheAutomaten in 58 minutes spread over 11 videos.
It addresses #Acceptors, #MealyMachines and #MooreMachines by example with a little theory.
Presentations (ppsx) and some preliminary code (C# and Java) is freely available at https://github.com/slogslog/Coding-Kurzgeschichten/tree/master/Crashkurs%20Automaten
Videos and materials are in German only, sorry.
#informatikEdu #informatik #htldonaustadt #htldonaustadtinformatik
#FiniteStateMachines #EndlicheAutomaten #Acceptors #MealyMachines #MooreMachines #informatikEdu #informatik #htldonaustadt #htldonaustadtinformatik